I'm curious about the enterprise situation here. This seems to me like something that could be in use in enterprise applications, and we would not really know about it. ( https://www.chromium.org/developers/enterprise-changes/ is a good checklist for this)

Is there an enterprise policy for this that can be used for those that need the old behaviour, if not, could one be added?

Also, have you reached out to the enterprise community? (See link above)


On 2022-10-05 15:28, Jonathan Hao wrote:


        Since M104, we've started sending preflight requests before
        private network access, but ignoring the preflight result (or
        the lack of it). After analyzing the URL-keyed metrics, we
        found that most of them don't seem legit, most likely used for
        fingerprinting purposes, so we decided to start enforcing the
        preflight response, which means that the websites will not be
        able to fetch subresources from less-public ip address space
        without getting proper preflight responses.

An intent focusing on the deprecation trial was sent earlier in this thread: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/k8osI88QbKs/m/16ytAQ-BAwAJ?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/k8osI88QbKs/m/16ytAQ-BAwAJ?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>. There, we were suggested to send a separate intent to remove the functionality, and hence this intent email.

        Contact emails

tito...@chromium.org, v...@chromium.org, cl...@chromium.org, l...@chromium.org, p...@chromium.org





        Design docs



        Sends a CORS preflight request ahead of any private network
        requests for subresources, asking for explicit permission from
        the target server. A private network request is any request
        from a public website to a private IP address or localhost, or
        from a private website (e.g. intranet) to localhost. Sending a
        preflight request mitigates the risk of cross-site request
        forgery attacks against private network devices such as
        routers, which are often not prepared to defend against this

        Blink component


        TAG review


        TAG review status

        Issues addressed


        Interoperability and Compatibility

        The main interoperability risk, as always, is if other browser
        engines do not implement this. Compat risk is straightforward:
        web servers that do not handle the new preflight requests will
        eventually break, once the feature ships. The plan to address
        this is as follows: 1. Send preflight request, ignore result,
        always send actual request. Failed preflight requests will
        result in a warning being shown in devtools. 2. Wait for 3
        milestones. 3. Gate actual request on preflight request
        success, with deprecation trial for developers to buy some
        more time. 4. End deprecation trial 4 milestones later.
        The above measure pages that make at least one private network
        request for which we would now send a preflight request.

        /Gecko/: Worth prototyping

        /WebKit/: No signal
        Pending response.

        /Web developers/: No signals Anecdotal evidence so far
        suggests that most web developers are OK with this new
        requirement, though some do not control the target endpoints
        and would be negatively impacted.

        /Other signals/:




        Gating access to the private network overnight on preflight
        requests would likely result in widespread breakage. This is
        why the plan is to first send requests but not act on their
        result, giving server developers time to implement code
        handling these requests. Deprecation warnings will be surfaced
        in DevTools to alert web/client developers when the potential
        for breakage later on is detected. Enforcement will be turned
        on later (aiming for 3 milestones), along with a deprecation
        trial for impacted web developers to buy themselves some more
        time. Experience suggests a large fraction of developers will
        not notice the advance deprecation warnings until things break.


        This change aims to be security-positive, preventing CSRF
        attacks against soft and juicy targets such as router admin
        interfaces. It does not cover navigation requests and workers,
        which are to be addressed in followup launches. DNS rebinding
        threats were of particular concern during the design of this

        WebView application risks

        Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing
        APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android
        WebView-based applications?

Not going to ship on Android WebView

        Goals for experimentation

        Give websites time to make sure they respond to the preflights

        Reason this experiment is being extended


        Ongoing technical constraints



        Relevant information (client and resource IP address space) is
        already piped into the DevTools network panel. Deprecation
        warnings and errors will be surfaced in the DevTools issues
        panel explaining the problem when it arises.

        Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms
        (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


        Not on Android WebView given previous difficulty in supporting
        PNA changes due to the lack of support for deprecation trials.
        Support for WebView will be considered separately.

        Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests


        DevTrial instructions


        Flag name


        Requires code in //chrome?


        Tracking bug


        Launch bug


        Estimated milestones

        OriginTrial desktop last        112
        OriginTrial desktop first       109
        DevTrial on desktop     98

        OriginTrial Android last        112
        OriginTrial Android first       109
        DevTrial on Android     98

        Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


        Links to previous Intent discussions

        Intent to prototype:
        Intent to Ship:

        This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status

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