Hi all,

TL;DR: I'm looking for a handful of people who are familiar with web
tests/web test expectations that would be willing to occasionally be CCed
on generated CLs. You shouldn't need to do anything, but we need a human
CCed on generated CLs that are being autosubmitted.

I'm in the process of automating the Blink unexpected pass finder/stale
expectation remover
help increase the amount of usable test coverage we have at any given time.
The bot appears to be fully functional and can generate CLs like this
<https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/4011163>. All
that's really left is to enable autosubmit, but there doesn't appear to be
a good list of people that we could CC on the CLs.

The recipe we're using on the bot supports grabbing someone from a
rotation, but AFAIK there isn't a suitable Blink rotation we could use. The
other option is to have a list of people to randomly select from, which is
what we'll be doing, but there doesn't seem to be a good source for a list
of suitable people - the OWNERS file for the relevant directory
just lists *.

So, I'm looking for volunteers to occasionally be CCed on these generated
CLs. The expected frequency is <1 CL per day - the bot will run daily, but
will only CC one person from the list each time. You should not need to do
anything, as the CLs will be set to autosubmit and will be approved by the
rubber stamper bot. If the CL ends up getting falsely rejected by the CQ,
it would be nice if the CCed person could trigger another run, but that is
not critical. If a CL fails to submit, a new one with similar changes will
just be generated the next day.

Any volunteers?


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