LGTM1 to roll this out to 50% of Beta/Dev/Canary for either M108 or M109,
and carefully roll this out for M110, once it hits stable.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 7:05 PM Daniel Vogelheim <vogelh...@google.com>

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 6:10 PM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> On 10/27/22 11:49 PM, 'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The approval for the Intent To Ship for Origin Isolation By Default /
>> Deprecate document.domain
>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>
>> asks for a separate intent for the actual default change
>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/m/Ybgtf3JfAQAJ>.
>> This is that separate intent.
>> A summary of what happened so far:
>> - Shipping Origin Isolation by Default (and thereby deprecating
>> document.domain) has security benefits, but compatibility risk.
>> - We added warnings to the developer console and issues panel, published
>> a blog post, and engaged in direct outreach. This has resulted in
>> substantial, measurable reduction of usage. Some sites keep using
>> document.domain, but have mitigated the deprecation with other means. This
>> makes the risk difficult to measure.
>> - Sampling of sites with document.domain usage and manual inspection
>> yields a potential breakage estimate at ~0.015% of page views.
>> What we're asking for here is:
>> - Enable the feature at 50% for beta (+ dev + canary) during M109, as a
>> "last call" for web site authors.
>> This sounds like a good idea. Is there any reason we couldn't go to 50%
>> in M108 as well (or are you trying to avoid breakage over the winter
>> holidays)?
> No reason. I'd be happy to go to beta as soon as I receive the lgtms. I
> had conservatively budgeted that to be 109. :-)
>> Another question: do we have enterprise policies available for this
>> change?
> Yes; the policy is here: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
> <https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:components/policy/resources/templates/policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled.yaml>
>> - Launch on stable on M110. (~ Feb '23, so >12 weeks out from today)
>> ------------------------
>> Contact emails v...@chromium.org, vogelh...@chromium.org
>> Specification Explainer:
>> https://github.com/mikewest/deprecating-document-domain HTML Spec draft:
>> https://github.com/whatwg/html/compare/main...otherdaniel:dd
>> API spec Yes
>> Summary
>> This is a follow-on to the Intent to Ship: Origin Isolation By Default /
>> Deprecate document.domain
>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>. We'd
>> like to ship this in M110, stable.
>> Summary (of the underlying change) Change the default behavior of the
>> Origin-Agent-Cluster: header / document.domain settability.
>> Presently, pages within Chromium have site-keyed agent clusters by
>> default, unless the Origin-Agent-Cluster: header is explicitly set to true.
>> This accommodates pages or frames which want to access each other's state,
>> despite being on different origins (but within a site). This is fine for
>> any pages that wish to do so, but because a page *might* set
>> document.domain later on, Chromium currently must use site-keyed agent
>> clusters for *all* pages by default even though the overwhelming majority
>> of pages do not ever make use of this (mis-)feature. In turn, this requires
>> Chromium to use sites as the basis for renderer process isolation (via Site
>> Isolation), which exposes origins to same-site but cross-origin attacks
>> involving compromised renderer processes or the "Spectre" family of
>> side-channel attacks.
>> This proposal changes the default behaviour of Origin-Agent-Cluster. From
>> a developer's point of view, the new default matches "Origin-Agent-Cluster:
>> ?1". The initial implementation will use origin-keyed agent clusters for
>> all (non-opted out) origins, without changing how many processes Chromium
>> creates. Over time, we can then adapt Chromium's isolation strategy towards
>> origin-keyed processes without further affecting web-visible behaviour.
>> The developer-visible aspect of this is that for pages with origin-keyed
>> agent clusters, document.domain is no longer settable. Thus, we have marked
>> this intent as a deprecation.
>> Note that this proposal is about the default. Both modes - site-keyed or
>> origin-keyed agent clusters - remain available to any site, but
>> origin-keyed agent clusters change from opt-in to opt-out. The current
>> behaviour remains available by setting "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0".
>> Blink component Blink>SecurityFeature
>> TAG review https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/564
>> Risks: Interoperability and Compatibility
>> There are compatibility risks, which we have reduced with outreach and
>> warnings, and we want to mitigate further by launching at 50% of beta
>> first. An extended discussion of the risk (including attempts at
>> quantitative assessment) can be found in the original intent to ship
>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>.
>> Gecko: Standards position request
>> <https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/601>. ("Worth
>> prototyping")
>> WebKit:
>> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-December/032067.html
>> (No signals.)
>> Web developers: No signals.
>> Activation - Deprecation plan
>> M109: Enable "Origin Agent Cluster by Default" for 50% of page loads on
>> beta, dev, and canary.
>> M110: Enable "Origin Agent Cluster by Default" on stable.
>>   Security This change should be security-positive, since setting
>> document.domain will not have any impact on the origin of the document any
>> more.
>> Debuggability A deprecation warning has been added to DevTools console
>> and to the issues panel in M98. This warning will file a deprecation report
>> as well using the Reporting API, if so configured.
>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
>> Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)? Yes
>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
>> ? This is covered by Origin-keyed Agent Cluster tests
>> <https://wpt.live/html/browsers/origin/origin-keyed-agent-clusters/>.
>> Tracking bug https://crbug.com/1139851
>> Launch bug https://crbug.com/1246823
>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5428079583297536 (document.domain
>> setter deprecation) https://chromestatus.com/features/5683766104162304
>> (Origin-keyed agent clusters)
>> --
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