On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 5:37 PM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Hi Steiner,
> I spent quite a lot of time trying to understand the issues around
> nesting syntax. It looks like the CSSWG resolved to adopt "Option 3",
> with representatives from all 3 engines voting in favor - and the WebKit
> blog survey also resulted in "Option 3" as the top choice.
> Do we know if the other engines have started work on implementation of
> Option 3?
> thanks,
> Mike
> On 1/20/23 4:42 AM, 'Steinar H. Gunderson' via blink-dev wrote:
> > Contact emails: se...@chromium.org, futh...@chromium.org
> > Explainer: None
> >
> > Specification: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nesting
> >
> > Summary: Add the ability to nest CSS style rules inside other style
> rules,
> > combining selectors from the outer with the inner rule for increasing
> > modularity and maintainability of style sheets.
> >
> > Blink component: Blink>CSS
> >
> > TAG review: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/791
> >
> > TAG review status: Pending
> >
> > Risks: There is a threat of a formal objection in CSSWG.

Can you expand on that?

> >
> > Interoperability and Compatibility:
> >
> > Gecko: Positive (
> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/695)
> > WebKit: Positive (
> https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/69)
> >
> > Debuggability
> > Nesting style rules will be a big change for editing and displaying
> style rules in the inspector:
> >
> > - Showing displaying nested rules for matching declarations
> > - Editing selectors
> > - Inserting nested rules
> > - etc...
> >
> > Tracking issue for devtools support: https://crbug.com/1172985
> > Devtools says they're on track for shipping in M111.
> >
> > Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
> Linux,
> > Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)? Yes
> >
> > Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests? Yes
> >
> > Flag name: CSSNesting
> >
> > Requires code in //chrome? False
> >
> > Tracking bug: https://crbug.com/1095675
> >
> > Estimated milestones
> > DevTrial on desktop   109
> > DevTrial on Android   109
> > Shipping                112
> >
> >
> > Anticipated spec changes: See above.
> >
> > Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status:
> > https://chromestatus.com/feature/5800613594529792
> >
> > Links to previous Intent discussions:
> > Intent to prototype:
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/blink-dev/YzrEmc%2BqlqPv72Au%40google.com
> >
> --
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