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Design docs

First-Party Sets: Initial prototype description

First-Party Sets Prototype Design Doc


First-Party Sets (“FPS”) provides a framework for developers to declare
relationships among sites, to enable limited cross-site cookie access for
specific, user-facing purposes. This is facilitated through the use of
the Storage
Access API <> and
<> API.

The First-Party Sets proposal that we intend to ship significantly differs
from its originally proposed design, as we have incorporated feedback from
various stakeholders. An overview of what changed and why can be found here

It’s important to note that because of its integration with the Storage
Access API and requestStorageAccessFor, FPS is not a feature that is
directly web-exposed. We still consider its overall impact on the web
platform to be big enough to follow the blink launch process.

We have submitted adjacent Intents to Ship both requestStorageAccess and

Blink component


TAG review

TAG review status



Interoperability and Compatibility

This is not a breaking change. To use it, sites will need to opt in to
using First-Party Sets. There is no change to existing behavior for sites
not opting in to First-Party Sets.

Gecko: Negative (

WebKit: Negative (

Web developers: Positive. FPS has been extensively discussed during its
incubation in the Privacy CG and the WICG. Throughout this discussion we've
consistently seen great interest and participation by web developers.


Other signals: Edge: Positive. Microsoft has been “generally supportive of
the effort”
since 2020 and had a co-editor on the spec for a while. Edge, in
conversations, has confirmed their intent to support FPS after it ships in
Chrome. Through the component updater the FPS list should be available to
Edge. We will work with the Edge team to make sure that they can
potentially host their own version of the (same) list and to ensure
cooperation on managing the list.


Use of the Storage Access API requires sites to run JavaScript before they
can access their cookies. No performance concerns.


Site owners will need to register their first-party sets in a public
process, categorizing their usage in subsets and passing a number of
technical checks, such as verifying ownership with a /.well-known/ file.
The submission guidelines and checks are described in full detail on

This feature is meant to allow developers to preserve critical use cases
(e.g., shared infrastructure across ccTLDs, service domains)  when Chrome
deprecates third-party cookies. As such, it will provide only limited
utility right now, but give developers an important head start in testing
and preparing their sites for the upcoming deprecation.

FPS will require usage of the Storage Access API and/or requestStorageAccessFor
API to have a web-observable effect. This improves cross-browser
compatibility (for Storage Access API) but might come with some migration
cost for developers that were previously relying on passive cookie access
without JavaScript calls.



WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that
it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?



We show a DevTools warning when third-party cookies are blocked and the
top-level site is in the same First-Party Set as the embedded site. Further
developer tooling will likely be needed to support the eventual deprecation
of third-party cookies.

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?

No. This will be supported on Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android,
but will not initially be supported on Android WebView. The First-Party Set
information is consumed only by Chrome's implementation of the Storage
Access API, which is not implemented in Android WebView.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

No WPTs, as this isn't directly exposed to web content. Both rSA and rSAFor
(through which this is exposed) have WPTs.

Flag name


Requires code in //chrome?


Launch bug

Estimated milestones

Shipping in M113.

Anticipated spec changes

We don't expect backwards-incompatible changes to the general mechanics and
web platform integration of FPS. We may improve the policy and technical
checks of the submission process. To help with this, submitters should
expect that sets will be subject to expiration and / or renewal

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

Links to previous Intent discussions

Intent to prototype:

Intent to Experiment:

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