Thanks for linking to - it's a really useful doc that I missed on my first read of this Intent.

The API OWNERs (Yoav, Alex, Daniel, Philip, myself) were discussing this intent today and had some questions that are partially answered by the PST_VS_PAT doc. Another question - have there been any discussions with Apple on a possible convergence of these APIs? The doc hints at a future unification to create a shared API surface for token issuance/redemption.

On 4/5/23 10:03 AM, 'Steven Valdez' via blink-dev wrote:
Private Access Tokens is roughly based on the Rate Limited privacy pass specification (

It is primarily triggered via HTTP-Authentication headers and doesn't have a way of exposing that via a JS API. Developers are expected to have endpoints that provide HTTP-Authentication challenges that trigger the OS to issue/redeem tokens.

There's a bit of a discussion of the similarities/differences between the APIs at

There's some overlap between the use cases, but for the CAPTCHA use case, while the platform-level signal is useful, anti-fraud providers tend to want to use additional signals to feed into their decision whether to present something like a CAPTCHA, and being able to store the result of their distillation of the decision in tokens they issue can be useful.

On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 3:53 AM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:

    On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 5:35 PM Steven Valdez
    <> wrote:

            Contact emails,,


        NB: We'll rename the repository to private-state-token-api
        when it's adopted by the antifraud CG.


                Design docs



        The Private State Token API is a new API for propagating user
        signals across sites, without using cross-site persistent
        identifiers like third party cookies for anti-fraud purposes.
        Anti-fraud methods that rely on third party cookies will not
        work once third party cookies are deprecated. The motivation
        of this API is to provide a means to fight fraud in a world
        with no third party cookies. The API prevents cross-site
        identification by limiting the amount of information stored in
        a token. Blind signatures prevent the issuer from linking a
        token redemption to the identity of the user in the issuance

        Private State Token API does not generate or define anti-fraud
        signals. This is up to the corresponding first party and the
        token issuers. The API enforces limits on the information
        transferred in these signals for privacy concerns. Private
        State Token API is based on the Privacy Pass protocol from the
        IETF working group
        <>. It can
        be considered as a web-exposed form of the Privacy Pass

        The Private State Token API was formerly known as the Trust
        Token API. It is renamed to more accurately reflect its

                Blink component


        NB: As a part of the process of renaming the Trust Token API
        to the Private State Token API, the blink component will also
        be renamed.

                TAG review

                TAG review status

        No concerns, aside from lack of clear interest from other browsers


                Interoperability and Compatibility

        We intend to update the underlying cryptographic and token
        issuance protocols to align with the eventual Privacy Pass
        standard. This will affect compatibility with the small number
        of token issuers. Private State Token API fetch requests
        include a token type and version field that enables backward
        compatibility while allowing possible extensions for future
        token types and versions.While we will have a standard
        deprecation path of supporting multiple versions, we expect
        this to be easier with this API as each issuer using this API
        will need to register to become an issuer and will provide
        contact information as part of that process.

        Gecko: Defer

        WebKit: Pending
        already shipping similar technology
        <>(see PST vs.
        more information about the differences in the technologies).

    Not on you, but do Private-Access-Tokens have something resembling
    a specification or an explainer, other than marketing material?
    Do I understand correctly that they are strictly based on
    protocol-level negotiation, without a JS API? How are developers
    supposed to interact with them?

    Is there overlap between the use-cases? (e.g. I would naively
    think that CAPTCHA avoidance can rely on either/both OS-level and
    anti-fraud provider attestation)

        Web developers: Positive

        A limited set of developers provided feedback on Private State
        Tokens, indicating that the tool was valuable for anti-fraud
        capabilities while also acknowledging some utility challenges
        (1). Other developers also found that Private State Tokens
        provided ability for authentication purposes (as illustrated
        by its use in the Privacy Sandbox k-Anonymity Server) (2).



        Other signals:




        Using this feature requires spinning up a (or partner with an
        existing) Private State Token issuer that can issue and verify
        trust tokens, which is non-trivial. Verifying properties of
        the Signed Redemption Record or the client signature requires
        additional cryptographic operations. It would be beneficial to
        have server-side libraries that developers can use to help
        make using this API easier. Sample code can be found at



                WebView application risks

        Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing
        APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android
        WebView-based applications?

        As this feature does not deprecate or change behavior of
        existing APIs, we don't anticipate any risk to WebView-based


        This API is debuggable via the DevTools Application Data panel
        and the operations are exposed in the Network panel.

                Will this feature be supported on all six Blink
                platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
                and Android WebView)?


                Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

        some of the tests are currently failing as renaming/API
        changes in preparation for shipping these feature haven't
        propagated to those tests yet. Additionally, due to the
        requirements of having a server-side issuer (with bespoke
        crypto) to fully test the API, a majority of the testing is
        done in wpt_internal with a bespoke python implementation of a
        PST issuer.

                Flag name

        TrustTokens (in the process of being renamed to

                Requires code in //chrome?


                Non-OSS dependencies

        Does the feature depend on any code or APIs outside the
        Chromium open source repository and its open-source
        dependencies to function?

        Yes. Token operations are dependent on having the key
        commitment information configured. Chrome (and Chromium
        implementations that consume components from component
        updater) supports this via a component, other clients will
        need to consume the component or come up with their own method
        of shipping the key commitment information to the client.

                Estimated milestones

        Chrome for desktop:113

        Chrome for Android:113

        Android Webview:113

                Anticipated spec changes

        Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web
        compat or interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links
        to known github issues in the project for the feature
        specification) whose resolution may introduce web
        compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure of
        the API in a non-backward-compatible way).

        The major feature changes we expect are likely to be around
        the versions of tokens we support, as other use cases may need
        differing properties from those provided with the initial API
        and other format/API changes to align better with
        standardization and interop (see the Interoperability and
        Combatibilitysection up above). Most potentially
        web-observable changes in our open issues
        <>) are around
        ergonomics of using the APIs and ways to use the API in more
        locations/manners which should pose minimal compatibility risk
        to existing users of the API.

                Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

                Links to previous Intent discussions

        Intent to prototype:!topic/blink-dev/X9sF2uLe9rA

        Intent to experiment:


        Intent to extend origin trial:

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 Steven Valdez |  Chrome Privacy Sandbox | |  Cambridge, MA

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