On 8/21/23 11:09 AM, Ben Kelly wrote:

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 11:27 PM Yoav Weiss <yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

    Thanks for working on this important problem!

    On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 9:28 PM Ben Kelly
    <wanderv...@chromium.org> wrote:

        Sorry, it seems I left off the signals section of the template:

        Firefox: No signal

    Firefox folks seem tentatively supportive, but have WPT questions.
    Can you address them?

I'm checking without our WPT folks to try to understand what mozilla is suggesting.  I'm not familiar with web-driver functions at all, so not quite sure yet how feasible this is.

My read on bvandersloot's comment is that he's asking for a less generic version https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues/17489 to make this testable (which you've already linked below). Exposing endpoints for advancing time seems to have more use cases than bounce tracking-specific webdriver endpoints, IMHO - but that's a discussion that should probably happen in the relevant WG.

See https://github.com/web-platform-tests/rfcs for the process to propose extending the testdriver.js API to expose... but I think you'll want to get the relevant concepts added to the webdriver spec first (seems possible, if Mozilla if supportive). The other option would be to something similar to FedCM <https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/blob/main/proposals/webdriver.md> by adding webdriver extension commands (see spec PR here: https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/pull/465/files).

I personally wouldn't recommend blocking on this work, but it seems useful for someone to pursue as good first bugs for folks interested in standards and WPT internals. Note that additions to WebDriver now require going through the Intent process <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-api-owners-discuss/c/SYA56RETDGc/m/yicXrX3qAAAJ> (great news for folks interested in learning this process, presumably they exist!).

        Webkit: No signal
        Web developers: No signals

        On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 10:22 AM Ben Kelly
        <wanderv...@chromium.org> wrote:

            Contact emails

            wanderv...@chromium.org <mailto:wanderv...@chromium.org>,
            b...@chromium.org <mailto:b...@chromium.org>,
            rtarp...@chromium.org <mailto:rtarp...@chromium.org>,
            j...@chromium.org <mailto:j...@chromium.org>






            This feature mitigates bounce tracking on the web.  It
            works by deleting state from sites that access storage
            during a redirect that the user has never directly
            interacted with.  See the specification for more details.

            Blink component


            TAG review


            TAG review status

            Issues addressed


            Interoperability and Compatibility

            The main risk is that we will incorrectly delete state for
            a site that the user needs to continue functioning.  Our
            approach attempts to address this with a number of signals:


                If a user has interacted with the site within the last
                45 days, we will not delete its state.


                We are adding successful webauthn key assertions as
                another "interaction" source in M117 to address SSO
                use cases that only require security taps to stay
                logged in.


                We only delete state if the potential tracking site is
                not permitted as a 3P cookie.  This allows users and
                enterprises to grant permission to maintain state on
                these sites through existing mechanisms.

            We have documented some known use cases at-risk

            In particular, since 3P cookies are default allowed today,
            this feature will only have an immediate impact on users
            that have opted into 3P cookie blocking or incognito where
            3P cookies are blocked by default.


            Minimal ergonomic risk.  There are no direct APIs to call
            here.  We are deleting state for sites behind the scenes. 
            We do not delete state for sites that are currently open.
            We have devtools enhancements to help developers
            understand the process.


            No activation risk.  There is nothing to polyfill.


            This feature does incrementally worsen existing XS-Leaks
            in the browser by exposing an additional bit of
            information.  Attackers can learn if a user has interacted
            with a site within the last 45 days if they are able to
            trigger a stateful bounce on the target site and execute a
            XS-Leak attack to detect the existence of cookies or state
            on the site.  Since bounce tracking mitigations are only
            enforced when 3P cookies are blocked, however, the XS-Leak
            must use navigations and not subresource attacks.

    Does that mean that any exposed navigation bounce on a sensitive
    site becomes a history leak? Or do other conditions apply
    that would make this a rare occurrence?
    If it's the former, how do other browsers' mitigation techniques
    deal with this?

I don't think it's equivalent to a full history leak on its own.  In order to get the extra leaked bit of "was interacted with in the last 45 days", the site must already have a XS-leak allowing an attacker to detect the existence of cookies or state on the site.  Typically cookies or state are already going to indicate some user activity (interaction).  So the additional bit, while strictly a worsening of the situation, is relatively minor compared to what is available from the prerequisite attack.

Again, we'd like to work on closing the underlying XS-leak that allows attackers to detect cookies/state in the future.  Fixing forward here is preferable since trying to fix just the interaction bit in bounce tracking mitigations itself would likely force the introduction of some kind of allow/block list which has larger negative impacts (as discussed in the explainer alternatives).

            We feel the best solution to this problem is to invest in
            fixing navigation-based XS-Leaks.  The additional bit of
            interaction information leaked in the meantime is not
            ideal, but it has limited utility if an attacker can
            already tell if there is state on the target site.  We are
            interested in collaborating with the security team to help
            address the underlying XS-Leak.

            WebView application risks

            We are purposely excluding WebView from this launch so we
            can evaluate impact to that platform separately.


            We issue devtool "issues" when a site may potentially be
            deleted as a bounce tracking.  In addition, we have a
            devtools application panel to force the bounce tracking
            algorithm to run immediately. See the screenshots in this
            blog post

            Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms
            (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android

            All except WebView.  We would like to evaluate the impact
            to WebView in a separate launch.

            Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

            No, unfortunately.  Since this feature runs off of a long
            duration timer we cannot construct a WPT test case.  We
            need wpt#17489
            be fixed in order to correct this.

            Flag name


            Requires code in //chrome?

            Yes. We must integrate with features like the chrome
            sign-in manager, TabHelper, etc. We are, however, actively
            working to move other code into the content// layer.

            Tracking bug



            We are measuring UKM for sites that have state deleted by
            bounce tracking mitigations.

            Availability expectation

            Our initial MVP implementation is launching to all
            platforms with the exception of WebView.  In addition,
            bounce tracking mitigations are only enforced in
            situations where the tracking domain is not permitted as a
            3P cookie.

            Adoption expectation

            There is no specific API to adopt for this effort, but we
            only enforce the bounce tracking mitigations when 3P
            cookies are blocked.  Therefore we expect it to have a
            greater impact as 3P cookie blocking becomes more common
            in the future.

            Adoption plan


            Non-OSS dependencies


            Sample links


            Estimated milestones

            Gradual rollout during M116.  Webauthn interaction support
            will take effect in M117.

            Anticipated spec changes

            We have written a monkey-patch spec here:


            Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


            Links to previous Intent discussions



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