While it would obviously be better for the header to only be sent once
(less bytes transmitted), I don't think sending it twice should cause a
problem so long as both headers are the same, e.g. they both specify "?0".
If you're seeing the problem with two headers but not with one, then that's
a bug. In that case filing a bug report at crbug.com, including as much
information as possible, would be appreciated.

I tried this with a simple test case on my own server, and it seems to work

[image: GoogleAnimated.gif]

⭘ W. James MacLean

⭘ Software Engineer

⭘ Google Waterloo

On Fri, 6 Oct 2023 at 01:41, Madanagopal Damodharan <dmadanago...@gmail.com>

> Thanks James. We are able to add the header from our server's servlet
> filter code. It now appends the header for each response including static
> html files. It seems to be working fine so far. There are instances where
> it still gets blocked when a link is opened on new window. I believe we
> need to make sure the new window response contains the header as well,
> right? Also, if the header gets duplicated i.e. if the response contains
> the same header twice, it does not work. It looks as if the header is not
> sent at all. Is this how it is supposed to behave?
> On Monday, 25 September 2023 at 20:23:51 UTC+5:30 W. James MacLean wrote:
>> No, I think you need to get the server to send the header. Once you get
>> as far as the meta tags, the origin's isolation state has already been
>> decided. I'm not an expert on servers, but my experience in specifying
>> headers to be sent with static pages is to edit the .htaccess file in the
>> directory with the content, and include
>> HEADER add Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0
>> But the exact details will depend on your setup.
>> For Apache: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/htaccess.html
>> [image: GoogleAnimated.gif]
>> ⭘ W. James MacLean
>> ⭘ Software Engineer
>> ⭘ Google Waterloo
>> <http://www.google.ca/about/careers/locations/waterloo/#tab=tab-gallery>,
>> Canada
>> On Tue, 19 Sept 2023 at 23:40, Madanagopal Damodharan <
>> dmadan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This helped us identify the response that did not have the header. We
>>> noticed that we have a static html called signon.html as our first entry
>>> into the application. Since this is a static html, our servlet changes to
>>> add response header does not hit when users invoke this signon.html. I
>>> think Chrome puts this origin into Origin-keyed cluster at this point and
>>> hence when users login and encounter document.domain, they get the error
>>> blocked frame error.
>>> meta tags with http-equiv does not recognize this custom response header
>>> Origin-Agent-Cluster. Is there a way to add response headers in a static
>>> html page response?
>>> On Wednesday, 13 September 2023 at 22:49:00 UTC+5:30 W. James MacLean
>>> wrote:
>>>> Perhaps try this:
>>>> 1) open a new tab page (or about:blank if you prefer)
>>>> 2) right-click and select "Inspect" at the bottom of the popup menu
>>>> 3) in the DevTools menu at the top, click "Network"
>>>> 4) then check the "Preserve Logs" checkbox in the row under that menu
>>>> 5) finally, manually type the url for your app/site in the url bar
>>>> As your content loads, the DevTools window will populate with an (in
>>>> order) list of all the network transactions. You can click on each element
>>>> in the list and see the response headers for each request. This should help
>>>> you determine which request is missing the Origin-Agent-Cluster:?0 header
>>>> and causing the origin keying to be applied for the tab.
>>>> Let me know if that helps.
>>>> [image: GoogleAnimated.gif]
>>>> ⭘ W. James MacLean
>>>> ⭘ Software Engineer
>>>> ⭘ Google Waterloo
>>>> <http://www.google.ca/about/careers/locations/waterloo/#tab=tab-gallery>,
>>>> Canada
>>>> On Wed, 13 Sept 2023 at 12:44, Madanagopal Damodharan <
>>>> dmadan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> An update on the issue I am facing: We have a static html in web
>>>>> server called signon.html. Users access this static html page first which
>>>>> has a refresh directive with content=1. As soon as the user invokes this
>>>>> html page first time from the origin, this redirects to a login form page.
>>>>> This response contains the header too. But still chrome console says the
>>>>> origin was in origin-keyed cluster. If I change the refresh directive
>>>>> content=5, it takes 5 sec to redirect from signon.html to login form, this
>>>>> time I don't get the console warning. Now I can login and dont see any
>>>>> errors. I am not sure why the refresh directive 5 works but not 1. Is it
>>>>> because Chrome could not capture request and place the origin in
>>>>> appropriate cluster within its 1 second?
>>>>> Modified the CONTENT=5 from CONTENT=1 in the below line to get it
>>>>> working - <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT='5; 
>>>>> URL=../psp/ps/?cmd=login'>
>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>> On Sunday, 10 September 2023 at 20:53:42 UTC+5:30 Madanagopal
>>>>> Damodharan wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for response. In my case, I am getting the error when a new tab
>>>>> is opened from an existing tab. My existing tab did not throw this error
>>>>> whereas the new tab shows the error on the first request itself. So based
>>>>> on what you mentioned, my parent tab should have been part of Origin-Keyed
>>>>> cluster, right? I am seeing console warning as follows on my new tab that
>>>>> was opened from an existing tab:
>>>>> "The page did not request an Origin-Keyed agent cluster but was put in
>>>>> one anyway because the origin had previously been placed in an 
>>>>> origin-keyed
>>>>> agent cluster. Update your headers to uniformly request origin-keying for
>>>>> all pages on the origin"
>>>>> I am currently trying to figure out which server response did not have
>>>>> the header ""Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0" that led my pages to get in
>>>>> origin-keyed cluster. Is there a way (debug tool etc) I can check which
>>>>> response decided Origin-Keying? I think this will be crucial for
>>>>> applications to debug the issues.
>>>>> One other question: My parent tab has a wss (web socket) request that
>>>>> does not have its response with this OAC header. Do we need the header in
>>>>> wss response as well?
>>>>> On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 23:00:32 UTC+5:30 W. James MacLean
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If the application is getting loaded inside a tab that has previously
>>>>> loaded other pages from the same origin (i.e. pages not part of the app)
>>>>> that do not have the header, then for consistency the new loads will get
>>>>> OAC isolation even if the header is present. Essentially, the first time
>>>>> the tab loads anything from a particular origin, that determines how it
>>>>> will treat the origin for the remainder of the tab's lifetime. This
>>>>> consistency will also extend to other tabs opened by the tab (as they live
>>>>> in the same "BrowsingInstance").
>>>>> Also, there may be issues where pages can be loaded from cache without
>>>>> the ?0 version of the header, so two useful steps would be
>>>>> 1) Clear the cache, and
>>>>> 2) open the app directly in a newly opened tab.
>>>>> I don't think the header needs to be sent on script/css/image
>>>>> requests, as they're used within the context of the .html resource that
>>>>> should have the header.
>>>>> [image: GoogleAnimated.gif]
>>>>> ⭘ W. James MacLean
>>>>> ⭘ Software Engineer
>>>>> ⭘ Google Waterloo
>>>>> <http://www.google.ca/about/careers/locations/waterloo/#tab=tab-gallery>,
>>>>> Canada
>>>>> On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 11:27, Madanagopal Damodharan <
>>>>> dmadan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Is the feature launched in Chrome 115 as updated in
>>>>> https://developer.chrome.com/blog/document-domain-setter-deprecation?
>>>>> I have some of the customers reporting inconsistent behavior. Our
>>>>> application sends  "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0" in response headers to
>>>>> opt-out of Origin Agent clusters since we rely on document.domain. Is this
>>>>> header needed only on document requests or even for script, image, css
>>>>> requests? For some customer, their pages get inside origin-keyed cluster
>>>>> even though the responses contain the header   "Origin-Agent-Cluster:
>>>>> ?0". Is there a bug in the chrome behavior that puts pages in specific
>>>>> cluster? How do we debug what caused the pages to get inside origin-keyed
>>>>> cluster?
>>>>> On Friday, 26 May 2023 at 20:55:52 UTC+5:30 Eiji Kitamura wrote:
>>>>> @Maud Nalpas is taking over the DevRel work.
>>>>> On Sat, May 27, 2023 at 12:21 AM Rick Byers <rby...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the update Daniel. Still LGTM. Good luck!
>>>>> On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 10:25 AM Daniel Vogelheim <voge...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all, it's been a while... The bug reports should now be
>>>>> resolved, and we'd like to have another go at this in the M115 milestone.
>>>>> That is: Remain at 50% on beta; starting with 115 ramp up on stable to 1% 
>>>>> /
>>>>> 10% / 50% / 100%, every 14d. Let's hope it sticks this time.
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 3:54 PM Daniel Vogelheim <voge...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all, I'm afraid I have to delay this a bit more. :(
>>>>> We have a bug report (tracked in crbug.com/1429587) that breaks
>>>>> existing apps. The important thing here is that it does not break
>>>>> document.domain setting and subsequent cross-origin access, but that
>>>>> instead -- if the conditions are just right; or arguably just wrong -- the
>>>>> app can get into a state where same-origin accesses are mistakenly 
>>>>> blocked.
>>>>> Apparently an app can get into a state where frames within the same page
>>>>> are inconsistently assigned to agent clusters (i.e., frames in the same
>>>>> origin end up in different processes), and thus subsequent accesses within
>>>>> that origin may fail.
>>>>> My plan right now is to leave this on at 50% beta, but to not proceed
>>>>> to any stable releases at any percentage. I'll update this thread when I
>>>>> have a better handle on the bug and can suggest a good way to proceed.
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 5:12 PM Eiji Kitamura <age...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> FYI, the enterprise bit has been added to the article.
>>>>> https://developer.chrome.com/blog/immutable-document-domain/
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 17, 2023 at 1:21 AM Brandon Heenan <bhe...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We'll make the update in the enterprise release notes too. Thanks for
>>>>> keeping us in the loop
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 9:46 AM Rick Byers <rby...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks so much Eiji!
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 3:06 AM Eiji Kitamura <age...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've updated the blog post
>>>>> <https://developer.chrome.com/blog/immutable-document-domain/> stating
>>>>> Chrome 111 is where we ship the feature, but looks like it's rolling out
>>>>> through 111 and 112?
>>>>> I'll update the blog post to mention
>>>>> `OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled` enterprise policy.
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 1:37 AM Rick Byers <rby...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the update Daniel, good luck!
>>>>> In case others, like me, have missed or forgotten the long history of
>>>>> this difficult deprecation and what it means for web developers, this blog
>>>>> post is a good summary
>>>>> <https://developer.chrome.com/blog/immutable-document-domain/>. One
>>>>> critical thing it doesn't mention, but probably should, is that the 
>>>>> OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
>>>>> enterprise policy
>>>>> <https://chromeenterprise.google/policies/#OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled>
>>>>> can also be used to revert the default on managed devices (though it looks
>>>>> like the launching milestone needs to be updated there too).
>>>>> Rick
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 9:53 AM 'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev <
>>>>> blin...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> We've now handled the bugs we've discovered, and I would like to make
>>>>> another attempt at launching. I'll follow the plan that was approved here,
>>>>> but two milestones later: Launch to 50% beta in M111 (or late M110, if I
>>>>> can still catch a bit of that release cycle), and then ramp on stable once
>>>>> M112 is out.
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 6:36 PM Daniel Vogelheim <voge...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> An update: Unfortunately we have discovered a bug with this feature,
>>>>> just as I was getting ready to enable it. The bug also affects pages that
>>>>> have not even set document.domain. Since I have now missed a substantial
>>>>> portion of the 109 beta cycle I'd like to delay the roll out once more, 
>>>>> and
>>>>> shift it by one milestone (or two; depending on when everything is fixed).
>>>>> On the positive side: Recently the last of the previously identified
>>>>> big document.domain users, that together accounted for about 50% of
>>>>> remaining usage, has dropped their usage. So current usage is lower than
>>>>> previously reported. See the usage dip around late November at
>>>>> deprecate.it (1st graph).
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 5:42 PM Mike Taylor <mike...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> LGTM3
>>>>> On 11/10/22 11:18 AM, Chris Harrelson wrote:
>>>>> LGTM2
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022, 4:19 AM Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> LGTM1 to roll this out to 50% of Beta/Dev/Canary for either M108 or
>>>>> M109, and carefully roll this out for M110, once it hits stable.
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 7:05 PM Daniel Vogelheim <voge...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 6:10 PM Mike Taylor <mike...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 10/27/22 11:49 PM, 'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> The approval for the Intent To Ship for Origin Isolation By Default /
>>>>> Deprecate document.domain
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>
>>>>> asks for a separate intent for the actual default change
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/m/Ybgtf3JfAQAJ>.
>>>>> This is that separate intent.
>>>>> A summary of what happened so far:
>>>>> - Shipping Origin Isolation by Default (and thereby deprecating
>>>>> document.domain) has security benefits, but compatibility risk.
>>>>> - We added warnings to the developer console and issues panel,
>>>>> published a blog post, and engaged in direct outreach. This has resulted 
>>>>> in
>>>>> substantial, measurable reduction of usage. Some sites keep using
>>>>> document.domain, but have mitigated the deprecation with other means. This
>>>>> makes the risk difficult to measure.
>>>>> - Sampling of sites with document.domain usage and manual inspection
>>>>> yields a potential breakage estimate at ~0.015% of page views.
>>>>> What we're asking for here is:
>>>>> - Enable the feature at 50% for beta (+ dev + canary) during M109, as
>>>>> a "last call" for web site authors.
>>>>> This sounds like a good idea. Is there any reason we couldn't go to
>>>>> 50% in M108 as well (or are you trying to avoid breakage over the winter
>>>>> holidays)?
>>>>> No reason. I'd be happy to go to beta as soon as I receive the lgtms.
>>>>> I had conservatively budgeted that to be 109. :-)
>>>>> Another question: do we have enterprise policies available for this
>>>>> change?
>>>>> Yes; the policy is here: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled
>>>>> <https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:components/policy/resources/templates/policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled.yaml>
>>>>> - Launch on stable on M110. (~ Feb '23, so >12 weeks out from today)
>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>> Contact emails va...@chromium.org, voge...@chromium.org
>>>>> Specification Explainer:
>>>>> https://github.com/mikewest/deprecating-document-domain HTML Spec
>>>>> draft: https://github.com/whatwg/html/compare/main...otherdaniel:dd
>>>>> API spec Yes
>>>>> Summary
>>>>> This is a follow-on to the Intent to Ship: Origin Isolation By
>>>>> Default / Deprecate document.domain
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>. 
>>>>> We'd
>>>>> like to ship this in M110, stable.
>>>>> Summary (of the underlying change) Change the default behavior of the
>>>>> Origin-Agent-Cluster: header / document.domain settability.
>>>>> Presently, pages within Chromium have site-keyed agent clusters by
>>>>> default, unless the Origin-Agent-Cluster: header is explicitly set to 
>>>>> true.
>>>>> This accommodates pages or frames which want to access each other's state,
>>>>> despite being on different origins (but within a site). This is fine for
>>>>> any pages that wish to do so, but because a page *might* set
>>>>> document.domain later on, Chromium currently must use site-keyed agent
>>>>> clusters for *all* pages by default even though the overwhelming majority
>>>>> of pages do not ever make use of this (mis-)feature. In turn, this 
>>>>> requires
>>>>> Chromium to use sites as the basis for renderer process isolation (via 
>>>>> Site
>>>>> Isolation), which exposes origins to same-site but cross-origin attacks
>>>>> involving compromised renderer processes or the "Spectre" family of
>>>>> side-channel attacks.
>>>>> This proposal changes the default behaviour of Origin-Agent-Cluster.
>>>>> From a developer's point of view, the new default matches
>>>>> "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?1". The initial implementation will use
>>>>> origin-keyed agent clusters for all (non-opted out) origins, without
>>>>> changing how many processes Chromium creates. Over time, we can then adapt
>>>>> Chromium's isolation strategy towards origin-keyed processes without
>>>>> further affecting web-visible behaviour.
>>>>> The developer-visible aspect of this is that for pages with
>>>>> origin-keyed agent clusters, document.domain is no longer settable. Thus,
>>>>> we have marked this intent as a deprecation.
>>>>> Note that this proposal is about the default. Both modes - site-keyed
>>>>> or origin-keyed agent clusters - remain available to any site, but
>>>>> origin-keyed agent clusters change from opt-in to opt-out. The current
>>>>> behaviour remains available by setting "Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?0".
>>>>> Blink component Blink>SecurityFeature
>>>>> TAG review https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/564
>>>>> Risks: Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>>> There are compatibility risks, which we have reduced with outreach and
>>>>> warnings, and we want to mitigate further by launching at 50% of beta
>>>>> first. An extended discussion of the risk (including attempts at
>>>>> quantitative assessment) can be found in the original intent to ship
>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/_oRc19PjpFo/>.
>>>>> Gecko: Standards position request
>>>>> <https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/601>. ("Worth
>>>>> prototyping")
>>>>> WebKit:
>>>>> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-December/032067.html
>>>>> (No signals.)
>>>>> Web developers: No signals.
>>>>> Activation - Deprecation plan
>>>>> M109: Enable "Origin Agent Cluster by Default" for 50% of page loads
>>>>> on beta, dev, and canary.
>>>>> M110: Enable "Origin Agent Cluster by Default" on stable.
>>>>>   Security This change should be security-positive, since setting
>>>>> document.domain will not have any impact on the origin of the document any
>>>>> more.
>>>>> Debuggability A deprecation warning has been added to DevTools
>>>>> console and to the issues panel in M98. This warning will file a
>>>>> deprecation report as well using the Reporting API, if so configured.
>>>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows,
>>>>> Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)? Yes
>>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>>>>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
>>>>> ? This is covered by Origin-keyed Agent Cluster tests
>>>>> <https://wpt.live/html/browsers/origin/origin-keyed-agent-clusters/>.
>>>>> Tracking bug https://crbug.com/1139851
>>>>> Launch bug https://crbug.com/1246823
>>>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5428079583297536 (document.domain
>>>>> setter deprecation) https://chromestatus.com/features/5683766104162304
>>>>> (Origin-keyed agent clusters)
>>>>> --
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>>>>> Eiji Kitamura / えーじ | Developer Advocate | @agektmr
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