Also, please request approval for the rest of the review gates (right now I only see Debuggability); you'll be blocked on getting the rest of the LGTMs until those are in progress.

On 10/30/23 9:42 AM, Mike Taylor wrote:

Thank you very much for the summary - I was trying to parse the thread on Friday and meant to ask follow-up questions. :)


On 10/29/23 11:09 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
Yes, I confirm that I have no more concerns at this point!

On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 10:04 AM TAMURA, Kent <> wrote:

    API owners,

    I think this intent is ready for API owner approvals.

    * Domenic's concern was resolved by dropping '<rb>' from the
    scope of the intent.
    * We found we didn't need to update the HTML specification.
      ** It already asks "display:ruby" and "display:ruby-text" for
    <ruby> and <rt>
      ** I wrote "what we should do is to remove algorithms at";.
    But we don't need to remove them because they are not for
    rendering purposes.
    * WebKit is developing this feature. Firefox already shipped.

    On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 4:41 PM TAMURA, Kent <>

                Contact emails





        New CSS displayproperty values, "ruby", "ruby-base", and
        "ruby-text", are added. The default display values of <ruby>,
        <rb> and <rt> are changed to them, and ruby layout respects
        these display values. Web authors can use any elements such
        as <div> to render ruby by setting the new display values.

                Blink component


                Search tags

        css <>, ruby

                TAG review

        None; Firefox already shipped this.

                TAG review status

        Not applicable


                Interoperability and Compatibility

        This feature does not affect most <ruby> usages on existing
        pages. However, the rendering results may change if the
        `display` property value of <ruby> or <rt> is set to a
        non-default value because ruby rendering is triggered by the
        new `display` value, not the tag name.
        At most 0.07% page views might be affected. However, <ruby>s
        in 9 of the top 10 sites have no <rt>, and their rendering
        won't be changed. The remaining 1 site will be broken, and
        it's same as Firefox's rendering result. We have a plan to
        show a console message about this incompatibility before
        enabling the feature.

        /Gecko/: Shipped/Shipping

        /WebKit/: Positive

        /Web developers/: No signals

        /Other signals/:

                WebView application risks

        Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing
        APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android
        WebView-based applications?



        Rolling css_properties.json5 into devtools-frontend should be

                Will this feature be supported on all six Blink
                platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android,
                and Android WebView)?


                Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests


        Some of and

                Flag name on chrome://flags


                Finch feature name


                Requires code in //chrome?


                Tracking bug

                Estimated milestones

        Shipping on desktop     121

        Shipping on Android     121

        Shipping on WebView     121

                Anticipated spec changes

        Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web
        compat or interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links
        to known github issues in the project for the feature
        specification) whose resolution may introduce web
        compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure of
        the API in a non-backward-compatible way).


                Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

        This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status

-- TAMURA Kent
        Software Engineer, Google

-- TAMURA Kent
    Software Engineer, Google

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