On Wed, Dec 6, 2023 at 1:16 AM 'Fergal Daly' via blink-dev <
blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 13:55, Fergal Daly <fer...@google.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 12:29, Vladimir Levin <vmp...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the update!
>>> This is a good write up. One comment / question below
>>> From the doc:
>>> > Note that the pageshow event will trigger before the page is rendered
>>> for the first time upon being restored from a back/forward navigation,
>>> which guarantees that your login state check will let you reset the page to
>>> a non sensitive state.
>>> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the viz surface displaying the
>>> persisted contents may be embedded and shown before the page produces a new
>>> frame. So although technically it is correct that this event will fire
>>> before the page produces a rendering and a new frame, a version of the
>>> content may be shown prior to that.
>>> I'm not sure if I'm being overly pedantic here, or whether my
>>> understanding of this flow is incorrect.
>> I don't know if that's correct. I didn't think we kept any of the pixels
>> while in BFCache. If you are correct, that sounds like a bug. I've filed
>> https://crbug.com/1508728. Do you know who would know the answer to this?
> This is weird. Here's a test page
> https://fergald.github.io/random/bfcache/pixels/ When it's restored from
> BFCache it has a pageshow handlers that
> - pauses for 5s
> - flips the colour from red->blue or blue->red.
> What's weird is that going fwd/back
> on desktop:
> - the old BG-Colour is shown for 5s (but the page seems to be blank apart
> from that)

I see the old page being shown for 5 seconds in this case, which I think is
the viz surface that can presumably expose sensitive information:
https://youtu.be/Bld0EWWpQcQ I don't know if the treatment is different if
we have CCNS.

I've cc'ed some people on the bug that would know for sure.


- then the content appears and the colour changes

> on mobile:
> - the current page is shown for 5s
> - then the content appears and the colour changes
> I'm not sure which behaviour I would describe as correct. I guess it's
> best to keep showing the old content rather than flashing an empty page if
> pageshow is taking a long time.
> Either way, in both cases we do not see the old content but I think we
> should clean this up and also put in something to guard against a change
> where the old content is shown,
> F
>> The same issue comes up in discussions of a back-preview (e.g. on mobile
>> when gesturing the go back, we could show a snapshot of the page) and the
>> intention there is to never do this with CCNS pages,
>> F
>>> Thanks again for the write up
>>> Vlad
>>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2023, 19:37 'Fergal Daly' via blink-dev <
>>> blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>> We now have a published doc
>>>> <https://web.dev/articles/sign-out-best-practices> that covers best
>>>> practices for BFCache/CCNS (and much more) during logout. Please let us
>>>> know if you have any feedback on it.
>>>> We will proceed with cautiously rolling out this change. Thanks
>>>> everyone,
>>>> F
>>>> On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 13:37, Fergal Daly <fer...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks everyone. Yes we will keep this thread up to date before
>>>>> releasing this (we'll go to canary/dev very soon so that we start getting
>>>>> stability and impact signals),
>>>>> F
>>>>> On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 05:30, Vladimir Levin <vmp...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> If possible, can you share this document on this thread when it is
>>>>>> available?
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 12:52 PM Yoav Weiss <yoavwe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> LGTM3 with the same condition.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 6:44 PM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> +1, thank you. LGTM2 w/ same condition.
>>>>>>>> On 11/15/23 12:39 PM, Daniel Bratell wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for getting the security people to weigh in on this because
>>>>>>>> that was really the main question for me. And it will still be 
>>>>>>>> controllable
>>>>>>>> by a finch flag.
>>>>>>>> LGTM1 dependent on there being a published document outlining the
>>>>>>>> options for web developers (i.e. the document you are already working 
>>>>>>>> on).
>>>>>>>> /Daniel
>>>>>>>> On 2023-11-10 09:45, Fergal Daly wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 10 Nov 2023 at 17:29, Yoav Weiss <yoavwe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks David!
>>>>>>>>> It's great to see that this will be disabled in modes where we
>>>>>>>>> *know* the machine is shared.
>>>>>>>>> Fergal - could you address concerns about web developer advice?
>>>>>>>>> What should we tell web developers to do on their logout pages?
>>>>>>>> Yes, we are in discussion with dev-rel about this. They were
>>>>>>>> already looking at producing advice for auth best practices. We will 
>>>>>>>> ensure
>>>>>>>> that this is covered in that,
>>>>>>>> F
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 8:37 AM David Dworken <ddwor...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Chiming in to say that we discussed the security concerns around
>>>>>>>>>> this proposal quite extensively internally and overall we believe 
>>>>>>>>>> that with
>>>>>>>>>> the short timeout, the security risks are acceptable. The residual 
>>>>>>>>>> security
>>>>>>>>>> risk is for servers that implement purely server-side logouts and is 
>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>> exploitable for a very short period of time (3 minutes). In 
>>>>>>>>>> addition, other
>>>>>>>>>> mitigations like this one
>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1468438> 
>>>>>>>>>> further
>>>>>>>>>> reduce the risk such that we believe it is unlikely that this will 
>>>>>>>>>> lead to
>>>>>>>>>> new security issues.
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 7:14:46 AM UTC-7
>>>>>>>>>> vmp...@chromium.org wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 12:00 AM 'Fergal Daly' via blink-dev <
>>>>>>>>>> blin...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 23:05, Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 3:56 PM Vladimir Levin <
>>>>>>>>>> vmp...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Are there any spec changes planned for this feature? I'm not sure
>>>>>>>>>> if the README linked under Specification is meant to make it into 
>>>>>>>>>> WHATWG,
>>>>>>>>>> maybe to close out https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7189
>>>>>>>>>> The only spec I could find about CCNS is
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9111#section-, so I'm
>>>>>>>>>> not sure how to reconcile possibly contradicting language in the 
>>>>>>>>>> specs
>>>>>>>>>> Great questions! Fergal - can you answer that?
>>>>>>>>>> RFC9111 is about HTTP caches. BFCache is not a HTTP cache, so RFC
>>>>>>>>>> 9111 does not apply. Of course the reality of implementations and
>>>>>>>>>> expectations vs spec is a problem. Some more discussion here
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/fergald/explainer-bfcache-ccns/blob/main/README.md#current-interactions-between-bfcache-and-ccns>
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure I agree with this, or the reasoning in the link.
>>>>>>>>>> First of all, this intent thread is about ignoring CCNS in _some 
>>>>>>>>>> cases_. In
>>>>>>>>>> other cases, CCNS is respected, so it seems like BFCache is de facto
>>>>>>>>>> subject to RFC 9111.
>>>>>>>>>> This is, I guess, a bit philosophical but the spec says:
>>>>>>>>>> the cache MUST NOT intentionally store the information in
>>>>>>>>>> non-volatile storage and MUST make a best-effort attempt to remove 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> information from volatile storage as promptly as possible after 
>>>>>>>>>> forwarding
>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>> Note that the spec here does not make any exceptions for things
>>>>>>>>>> like cookie state not changing or anything else. The document when 
>>>>>>>>>> frozen
>>>>>>>>>> is indeed a volatile storage of the server response, processed and 
>>>>>>>>>> stored
>>>>>>>>>> in some particular format (ie the DOM tree). I admit it's a bit 
>>>>>>>>>> weird to
>>>>>>>>>> think about it this way, since the live document is technically also 
>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> cache. Whereas I agree that BFCache is not strictly an HTTP Cache, I 
>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>> quite follow why CCNS should not apply to the BFCache in some cases.
>>>>>>>>>> To me, BFCache seems like "a better http cache" which already has
>>>>>>>>>> rendered results, not a completely separate cache that is not 
>>>>>>>>>> subject to
>>>>>>>>>> CCNS.
>>>>>>>>>> But I'm late to the game, and I see that the topic of "BFCache is
>>>>>>>>>> not HTTP Cache" has already been discussed a lot. I'm not convinced 
>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>> existing arguments, but I also don't think I'll be able to convince 
>>>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>>>> of my position.
>>>>>>>>>> My problem with the consensus in
>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5744 is the following.
>>>>>>>>>> People seem to agree that we don't want a *new* api that specifically
>>>>>>>>>> prevents pages from entering BFCache. I don't believe it's 
>>>>>>>>>> appropriate to
>>>>>>>>>> draw a conclusion that there is consensus that BFCache should not be
>>>>>>>>>> subject to any *existing* APIs that prevent pages from entering it. 
>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>> might be true independently, but I don't think one follows from the 
>>>>>>>>>> other.
>>>>>>>>>> To quote this comment
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5744#issuecomment-811958634>
>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>> "... And what is the problem with the bank case? I'd expect bank
>>>>>>>>>> may want to ensure its page doesn't enter bfcache, or any other 
>>>>>>>>>> cache, by
>>>>>>>>>> using no-store (and other) header(s) or something ..."
>>>>>>>>>> That comment sounds to me like "the status quo is good enough,
>>>>>>>>>> because there are already ways of preventing any cache, including 
>>>>>>>>>> bfcache."
>>>>>>>>>> If we were to claim consensus on doing this work, I'd personally 
>>>>>>>>>> want to
>>>>>>>>>> see a more explicit "let's make it so pages still enter BFCache 
>>>>>>>>>> despite
>>>>>>>>>> CCNS in these cases." The comment from cdumez you quoted is good, 
>>>>>>>>>> but maybe
>>>>>>>>>> following-up there is worthwhile.
>>>>>>>>>> I concede though that I'm by no means an expert here, so I don't
>>>>>>>>>> want to block moving this forward any longer. I just want to say 
>>>>>>>>>> that it's
>>>>>>>>>> typically easy to be fast if you show stale data, and shifting the 
>>>>>>>>>> blame to
>>>>>>>>>> the site for using CCNS instead of refreshing needed content in 
>>>>>>>>>> script
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't seem appropriate. I personally would not want to be the 
>>>>>>>>>> judge of
>>>>>>>>>> whether CCNS use is appropriate or not since I don't know what
>>>>>>>>>> "appropriate" is in this case.
>>>>>>>>>> BFCache and cases where it can/can't be used are specced in the
>>>>>>>>>> HTML standard. We have had very little engagement from other vendors 
>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>> this particular idea but Safari tried to cache all CCNS pages in the 
>>>>>>>>>> past.
>>>>>>>>>> I am hoping that if we demonstrate a way to cache some of them 
>>>>>>>>>> safely, they
>>>>>>>>>> would be on board. Also any browser is free to be *more* 
>>>>>>>>>> conservative than
>>>>>>>>>> the spec while still staying in-spec as BFCaching at all is always 
>>>>>>>>>> optional.
>>>>>>>>>> Here
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5744#issuecomment-661997090>
>>>>>>>>>> is cdumez of Safari
>>>>>>>>>> Safari / WebKit shipped with all pages going into the bfcache no
>>>>>>>>>> matter what (including cache-control: no-store). The only push
>>>>>>>>>> back we received was the fact that after you log out of a site, you 
>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>> still go back and see a page you should no longer be able to see. We 
>>>>>>>>>> agreed
>>>>>>>>>> that this feedback was valid and our short-term fix was to bypass the
>>>>>>>>>> bfcache when the page uses cache-control: no-store. Sadly, many
>>>>>>>>>> sites use this and their intention is likely not to prevent the 
>>>>>>>>>> bfcache.
>>>>>>>>>> This is not something we like for the long term.
>>>>>>>>>> F
>>>>>>>>>> Also, Vlad previously asked about the recommended pattern for
>>>>>>>>>> folks to handle credential revocation with BFCache and his concerns 
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> the snippet suggested upthread. It'd be great to address that.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> vmpstr
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 2:32 AM Yoav Weiss <yoav...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I just discussed this with Fergal offline:
>>>>>>>>>>    - The risky scenario is one where revocation of sensitive
>>>>>>>>>>    info (logout, access revoked) happens on the server-side only 
>>>>>>>>>> without a
>>>>>>>>>>    client-side update.
>>>>>>>>>>    - In such a scenario on a shared computer, someone could
>>>>>>>>>>    back-button their way into someone else's sensitive info.
>>>>>>>>>>    - It might be interesting to talk to security folks (and
>>>>>>>>>>    maybe Project Zero folks) to see if this is not happening already 
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>    content that's not CCNS decorated.
>>>>>>>>>>    - It would be good to run a survey of
>>>>>>>>>>    potentially-sensitive services and try to get a signal from them 
>>>>>>>>>> on how
>>>>>>>>>>    many of them are properly doing revocation on the client side.
>>>>>>>>>>       - I'd love ideas on how we can scale such a survey beyond
>>>>>>>>>>       manual inspection of a few known services.
>>>>>>>>>>    - It could be interesting to try and ship a version of this
>>>>>>>>>>    with a shorter timeout, to minimize the risk of users leaving the 
>>>>>>>>>> machine
>>>>>>>>>>    unattended.
>>>>>>>>>>       - If we go that route, it'd be good to think through how
>>>>>>>>>>       we'd be able to increase that timeout over time, after gaining 
>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>       confidence that the risky scenario isn't happening in the wild.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 2:36 AM Jason Robbins <jrob...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> At this morning's API Owners meeting, they asked me to add all
>>>>>>>>>> review gate types to all of the "web developer facing code change" 
>>>>>>>>>> features
>>>>>>>>>> that are currently under review, including this one.  So, I have 
>>>>>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>> Privacy, Security, Enterprise, Debuggability, and Testing gates to 
>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> feature entry.
>>>>>>>>>> Please click the gate chips in the "Prepare to ship" stage on
>>>>>>>>>> your feature detail page.  For each one, answer survey questions and
>>>>>>>>>> request that of the cross-functional review.  You can request them 
>>>>>>>>>> all in
>>>>>>>>>> parallel.  In cases where you already have the go/launch
>>>>>>>>>> <https://goto.google.com/launch> bit approved, you can note that
>>>>>>>>>> in a comment on that gate for a potentially faster review.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> jason!
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, October 2, 2023 at 9:09:18 AM UTC-7 Jason Robbins
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 1:01:54 PM UTC-7 Chris Harrelson
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Please also make sure to complete all of the other shipping gate
>>>>>>>>>> reviews
>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/bqvB1oap0Yc/m/YlO8DEHgAQAJ>
>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>> I think a bug in ChromeStatus may have caused some confusion on
>>>>>>>>>> this feature entry.  The feature entry has type "Web developer 
>>>>>>>>>> facing code
>>>>>>>>>> change", so its bilnk-dev thread should have had subject line prefix
>>>>>>>>>> "Web-facing change PSA" rather than "Intent to ship".  And, 
>>>>>>>>>> according to
>>>>>>>>>> the launching-features doc
>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.chromium.org/blink/launching-features/#psa-prepare-to-ship>,
>>>>>>>>>> it does not require any approvals, which is why there are no other 
>>>>>>>>>> gates
>>>>>>>>>> offered in the ChromeStatus UI.  A fix for that subject-line prefix 
>>>>>>>>>> bug
>>>>>>>>>> should go live today.
>>>>>>>>>> Of course, the point of a PSA is to allow concerns to be raised
>>>>>>>>>> and I see that this is a very active thread.  So, all that should be 
>>>>>>>>>> worked
>>>>>>>>>> through.  Its a mater of the the API Owners prerogative to request 
>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>> other reviews that they think are appropriate, but it is not 
>>>>>>>>>> automatically
>>>>>>>>>> required by the process for this feature type.  Also, I see that the 
>>>>>>>>>> launch
>>>>>>>>>> entry <https://launch.corp.google.com/launch/4251651> had some
>>>>>>>>>> approvals.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> jason!
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