On 1/17/24 10:24 AM, Yoav Weiss (@Shopify) wrote:

On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 9:13:56 AM UTC+1 Nonoka Muraki wrote:

    spec PR was merged.(https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9933

    On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 12:41:31 AM UTC+9 Mike Taylor wrote:

        Thanks Rakina - right now the biggest blocker is the unlanded
        spec PR. Things should move pretty quickly once that's resolved.

        On 1/10/24 11:15 PM, Rakina Zata Amni wrote:
        > Hoping that the design doc can become an GH explainer with
        the usual format, as the design doc doesn't answer questions
        in the strucutre we like to see

        Can you clarify which part isn't answered yet in the

        From the list in your link:

          * The user-facing problem which needs to be solved;
              o Covered by this section
          * The proposed approach to solving the problem;
              o Covered by this section
          * The way the proposed solution may be used in practice to
            address the intended use cases, via example code;
              o Pretty much covered by this section
                there's no actual code example. We will add the code
                example (basically just an event listener using the
                close event)
          * Any other venues (such as mailing list, pull requests or
            issue threads external to the location of the explainer)
            where the reader may catch up on discussions regarding
            the proposed feature or features;
              o The issue
                <https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/1766> is
                linked from the explainer.
          * The alternatives which have already been considered and
            why they were not chosen;
              o Covered by this section
          * Accessibility, security and privacy implications which
            have been considered as part of the design process.
              o Security & Privacy is covered by this sectio
                and there is no accessibility implication introduced
                by the new event.

        Please let us know if there are any parts that need further

        (BTW just to update the thread, the TAG review
        <https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/923> has
        been requested last month)

        On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 1:49 AM Alex Russell
        <slightly...@chromium.org> wrote:

            +1 to Yoav's excitement about this. Thank you for pushing
            it forward.

            On TAG review, we're living in hope that the
            newly-expanded TAG will have more bandwidth and focus for
            reviews, but as Mike says, we're increasingly timing out.
            Filing for review at I2P time is always the pro-move, and
            I it's a bad look for us to be leaving it to late regardless.

            Hoping that the design doc can become an GH explainer
            with the usual format, as the design doc doesn't answer
            questions in the strucutre we like to see:




            On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 8:46:20 AM UTC-8 Mike
            Taylor wrote:

                Gentle reminder to request approvals for the other
                review gates in chromestatus, thanks.

                On 12/1/23 1:05 PM, Mike Taylor wrote:

                On 11/30/23 10:56 PM, Fergal Daly wrote:

                On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 2:23:12 PM UTC+9
                Yoav Weiss wrote:

                        On Tue, 28 Nov 2023 at 12:31, Nonoka Muraki
                        <murakinon...@chromium.org> wrote:
                        TAG review

                        Not needed because This is a small feature
                        where we just dispatch a new event.

                    Unfortunately that's not a criteria for
                    skipping a TAG review. Can you file one?

                I'm concerned by this because every TAG review I've
                seen in the last couple of years has taken months
                to get a response. If our own privacy review is
                positive and we have agreement with other vendors
                would we block on the TAG review?
                In practice, we don't block on TAG reviews, but we
                like to give them a chance to review or comment
                within a reasonable time period (typically a week or

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