On Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 1:34 PM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org> wrote:
> On 3/12/24 11:33 AM, Nicolás Peña Moreno wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, Yoav! It seems something fetch experts have some 
> concerns about, so we do not plan to proceed with that suggestion at the 
> moment.
> I'd like to append a small addition to this I2S (mainly to avoid having an 
> additional PSA since it is very related to this one): we would also like 
> approval to only send Same-Site=None cookies in the accounts endpoint, 
> instead of all cookies (so not Same-Site=Lax or Same-Site=Strict). This is 
> also a breaking change but we do not anticipate IDPs to break, and also plan 
> to work with them to ensure that they are aware of this change and are not 
> caught by surprise.
> To my non-FedCM expert brain, this doesn't feel like a small addition (happy 
> to be wrong!), beyond not understanding the scale of the risk, the normal 
> process questions come to mind i.e., is it specced, do we have tests, what do 
> other vendors think about it?

So I realized that a significant point was perhaps lost in the
argument for why this is a small change: because of how CORS works,
this change implicitly changes the *id assertion* endpoint to only
send SameSite=None cookies (and not send SameSite=Strict cookies).

Because of this change to the ID assertion endpoint, it seems like a
small change to *also* change the accounts endpoint to send the same
cookies. It is a small change because sending the same cookies in both
requests seems like a no-brainer -- the chance of an IDP expecting
different cookies for these two requests seems really low.

However, let me know if you want me to proceed with a new I2S for the
account endpoint cookies anyway.

(please also consider this as a ping for an lgtm3...)


> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:39:14 AM UTC-4 Yoav Weiss wrote:
>> <owner hat off>
>> I left a comment around potentially adding a CORS mode that would help IDP 
>> servers statically protect themselves from destination-change attacks. I 
>> don't *think* it's a blocker, but it's worth considering something along 
>> those lines to increase the solution's robustness to configuration errors, 
>> and ensure it fails closed. (and ask IDPs' security teams about their 
>> thoughts)
>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 5:51 PM Nicolás Peña <n...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>> No, Sec-Fetch-Dest is not changing. Sec-Fetch-Mode is.
>>> On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 11:31:35 AM UTC-5 Chris Harrelson wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 8:28 AM Nicolás Peña <n...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 5:11:09 AM UTC-5 Yoav Weiss wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 10:21 AM Yoav Weiss (@Shopify) 
>>>>> <yoav...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 9:36 PM Mike Taylor <mike...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> LGTM1
>>>>> On 3/4/24 1:33 PM, Nicolás Peña wrote:
>>>>> Contact emails
>>>>> n...@chromium.org
>>>>> Explainer
>>>>> https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/428
>>>>> A few lines summarizing this issue would be most useful when evaluating 
>>>>> this and understanding what y'all want to ship.
>>>>> In particular, it'd be useful to understand the request flow, what is the 
>>>>> request's origin (as IIUC, we're talking about requests issued from the 
>>>>> browser), and what is the request destination that we may want IDPs to 
>>>>> check.
>>>>> Examples of the checks IDPs would have to make would also be helpful.
>>>>> Sure! From the spec, here is a sample request:
>>>>> POST /fedcm_assertion_endpoint HTTP/1.1
>>>>> Host: idp.example
>>>>> Origin: https://rp.example/
>>>>> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>>>>> Cookie: 0x23223
>>>>> Sec-Fetch-Dest: webidentity
>>>>> account_id=123&client_id=client1234&nonce=Ct60bD&disclosure_text_shown=true
>>>>> With this change, Sec-Fetch-Mode will now be cors in this request and the 
>>>>> IDP is expected to return the following in the response (no preflight is 
>>>>> performed):
>>>> Do you mean Sec-Fetch-Dest?
>>>>> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://rp.example/
>>>>> Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
>>>>> Also, is the "identity assertion" endpoint the same as the token endpoint?
>>>>> Yea. I think that explainer doc is not super up to date.
>>>>> Specification
>>>>> https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/pull/547
>>>>> Summary
>>>>> The fetches in the FedCM API are hard to reason about because of the 
>>>>> properties required of them. While there is ongoing discussion regarding 
>>>>> the accounts endpoint, there is broad consensus that the ID assertion 
>>>>> endpoint should use CORS. This aligns security properties of this fetch 
>>>>> more closely to other fetches in the web platform.
>>>>> Blink component
>>>>> Blink>Identity>FedCM
>>>>> TAG review
>>>>> Not requesting a TAG review. We have already had extensive discussions 
>>>>> with Fetch experts.
>>>>> TAG review status
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Risks
>>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>>> This is a backwards incompatible feature, but one that is warranted due 
>>>>> to consensus reached by our security reviewers as well as other browser 
>>>>> vendor engineers. We have a manageable list of IDPs that we know are 
>>>>> using the FedCM API and we have reached out to all IDPs that are 
>>>>> currently deploying FedCM to make sure that they won’t break with this 
>>>>> change.
>>>>> Gecko: Positive based on TPAC discussions and 
>>>>> https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/428. Not filing a standards 
>>>>> position request for small additions at the explicit request from Firefox 
>>>>> (they prefer PRs).
>>>>> WebKit: Positive based on TPAC discussions and 
>>>>> https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/428. Recently, standards position 
>>>>> requests for smaller FedCM features have been closed, pointing to the 
>>>>> (unresolved) main FedCM one in 
>>>>> https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/309 so not filing 
>>>>> one for this.
>>>>> Web developers: No signals
>>>>> Other signals:
>>>>> Ergonomics
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Activation
>>>>> N/A
>>>>> Security
>>>>> By adding CORS, we add a check that the IDP explicitly agrees for the 
>>>>> browser to share the ID assertion response to the RP. In addition, having 
>>>>> this fetch align with most other credentialed fetches in the browser 
>>>>> means that any future protections are received by default, and we do not 
>>>>> have to special case this fetch.
>>>>> WebView application risks
>>>>> Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that 
>>>>> it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
>>>>> None
>>>>> Debuggability
>>>>> We surface errors when there is a network problem with the ID assertion 
>>>>> fetch. This will help developers understand when this feature introduces 
>>>>> a problem in their FedCM calls.
>>>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, 
>>>>> Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>>>>> No. FedCM is not supported on Android WebView.
>>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?
>>>>> https://wpt.fyi/results/credential-management/fedcm-identity-assertion-nocors.https.html?label=experimental&label=master&aligned
>>>>>  (will pass on Chrome once we ship)
>>>>> Flag name on chrome://flags
>>>>> None
>>>>> Finch feature name
>>>>> FedCmIdAssertionCORS
>>>>> Requires code in //chrome?
>>>>> True (because FedCM API does)
>>>>> Tracking bug
>>>>> https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40284123
>>>>> Estimated milestones
>>>>> DevTrial on desktop
>>>>> 120
>>>>> DevTrial on Android
>>>>> 120
>>>>> We want to ship on M124
>>>>> Anticipated spec changes
>>>>> Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web compat or 
>>>>> interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links to known github 
>>>>> issues in the project for the feature specification) whose resolution may 
>>>>> introduce web compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure 
>>>>> of the API in a non-backward-compatible way).
>>>>> https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/1637
>>>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5094763339710464
>>>>> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.
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