Actually CC Erik this time.

On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 8:40 AM Paul Jensen <> wrote:

> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 8:36 AM Yoav Weiss (@Shopify) <
>> wrote:
>> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 10:03:16 PM UTC+2 Paul Jensen wrote:
>> Contact emails
>> Explainer
>> Protected Audience reporting timeouts:
>> turtledove/pull/1101
>> Protected Audience multiple-bids:
>> turtledove/pull/1048
>> Specification
>> Protected Audience reporting timeouts:
>> turtledove/pull/1102
>> Protected Audience multiple-bids:
>> turtledove/pull/1138
>> Summary
>> Protected Audience (PA) reporting timeouts:
>> After a PA auction finishes selecting an ad and that ad is allowed to
>> start rendering, the browser then runs a JavaScript function from the
>> seller(s) and winning buyer to assemble reports that are sent back to their
>> servers. These functions are currently given 50ms to run, after which
>> they're aborted. We've heard feedback from users of the API that 50ms may
>> not be sufficient to assemble the reports and may result in broken billing
>> and other basic functionality, resulting in lower website revenue.  We’re
>> proposing making the timeout configurable up to 5s. (This JavaScript
>> generally runs in a separate process, i.e. off the main thread.)
>> I'm concerned about this timeout, tbh.
>> It feels very arbitrary and if set by the wrong party, it can create some
>> adversarial effects.
>> Can you expand on why do we need a configurable timeout here, rather than
>> just increasing it for everyone?
> I think configurability is useful here for a few reasons:
>    1.
>    There are potentially three different variables that may determine the
>    optimal setting of this timeout:
>    1.
>       Different devices may have different execution performance, so a
>       fixed timeout across all devices may be suboptimal.
>       2.
>       Different publisher pages may have different execution
>       requirements.  Some may be sensitive to how much execution time is 
> allowed
>       for these reporting scripts, so a fixed timeout across all publisher 
> pages
>       may be suboptimal.
>       3.
>       Different auction participants may have different execution
>       requirements.  Some may be sensitive to how much execution time is given
>       for them to complete execution of their reporting scripts.
>       2.
>    Making it configurable allows callers of the API to experiment and
>    tune to find the optimal timeout for particular situations.
>    3.
>    Changing the default timeout could potentially upset ongoing
>    experimentation.
>> If a configurable timeout is indeed needed, am I correct that the timeout
>> would be set by the publisher, and its consequences would be felt by the
>> seller?
> It’s set by whoever is initiating the auction.  This could be anyone on
> the publisher page, including the publisher or a seller acting on their
> behalf.
>> Also, can you expand on "This JavaScript generally runs in a separate
>> process"? Where is it run?
> On desktop, we use one process to run all bidding and scoring scripts for
> one origin, and that gets used for this reporting step also.  On Android,
> where system resources are more constrained, we use site-isolation’s
> heuristics to pick an appropriate process for each origin’s scripts.
>> Protected Audience multiple-bids:
>> Presently buyers participating in PA ad selection auctions are only
>> allowed to return one bid per interest group stored on a user's device.
>> This has a couple downsides:
>>    1.
>>    When that one bid does not pass the k-anonymity threshold, the bid
>>    generation logic must be invoked again which can be slow, potentially
>>    doubling auction runtime.
>>    2.
>>    This preferences adtechs that store more interest groups on device as
>>    a way to get more bids into the auction. Many interest groups on device is
>>    something we publicly have stated is undesirable:
>>    protected-audience-api/latency#fewer_interest_group_owners
>> <>
>> To fix this we're allowing bidding scripts to return multiple bids.
>> Blink component
>> Blink>InterestGroups
>> <>
>> TAG review
>> For Protected Audience:
>> design-reviews/issues/723
>> TAG review status
>> Completed for Protected Audience, resolved unsatisfied.
>> RisksInteroperability and Compatibility
>> Both features represent optional new behavior that shouldn’t break
>> existing usage.
>> Gecko & WebKit: No signal on parent proposal, Protected Audience.  Asked
>> in the Mozilla forum here
>> <>, and in the
>> Webkit forum here
>> <>.
>> Edge: Edge has announced plans to support the Ad Selection API
>> <>
>> which shares much of its API surface with Protected Audience.
>> I'd love for the Edge team to review this, if at all possible.
>> I know it's exceeding the bounds of our process, but given the lack of
>> interest in reviewing this from the TAG, Mozilla and Apple, and the ongoing
>> complexity of this feature, it's be great to try and get some deep
>> technical review from a different browser team.
> Sounds like a great idea; we’ve reached out to, and CC'd, Erik Anderson
> for comment.
>> Web developers:
>> Protected Audience reporting timeouts: Multiple companies requesting on 
>> Github
>> issue <> and WICG meeting
>> though notes
>> <>
>> are missing several comments from others.
>> Protected Audience multiple-bids: 3+ companies requesting on Github issue
>> <>, discussed in 6
>> different WICG meetings
>> <>
>> .
>> Debuggability
>> PA reporting and bidding scripts are debuggable in DevTools.  Generated
>> bids also show up in the Application -> Storage -> Interest Groups DevTools
>> pane.
>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
>> Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>> It will be supported on all platforms that support Protected Audience, so
>> all but WebView.
>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>> <>
>> ?
>> We plan to land web-platform-tests for both features shortly.
>> Flag name on chrome://flags
>> None
>> Finch feature name
>> FledgeReportingTimeout, FledgeMultiBid
>> Requires code in //chrome?
>> False
>> Estimated milestones
>> Shipping on desktop and Android in M124.
>> Anticipated spec changes
>> None
>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
>> <>.

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