Thanks Di - this is a useful clarification.

You can request up to 6 milestones for a Deprecation Trial, and only need a single LGTM. Renewals are possible, with sufficient justification.

That said, if you do think that 9 milestones is sufficient for your needs - that is also possible, but will require 3 LGTMs. If that is the route you would like to propose, can your let us know why you think 9 milestones is sufficient, and wouldn't require a renewal? What outreach or comms plans do you have in place to ensure that the previously broken sites will be ready for this change in ~9 months?

Either way, please let us know how many (and which) milestonesyou are requesting for the deprecation trial.


On 5/13/24 2:27 PM, Di Zhang wrote:

Sorry for missing information! I haven’t created a request for a Deprecation Trial before, which is what I intended this to be, and I missed some parts of the process. The chromestatus is located here, which is for the overall KeyboardFocusableScrollers feature: <>. The origin trial section details why we are requesting a Deprecation trial for this feature, which I’ve copied below. I believe this answers the questions I’ve received here, but please let me know if anything else is missing!


The feature KeyboardFocusableScrollers changes the focusability of a scroll container. This feature includes the following changes:


    Scrollers are click-focusable and programmatically-focusable by


    Scrollers without focusable children are keyboard-focusable by

This is an important improvement to help make scrollers and contents within scrollers more accessible to all users.

We attempted to ship the above changes, and found that a limited number of sites had broken expectations around some of their components. As a result, we had to unship the feature to avoid this breakage. However, given the benefits mentioned above, we’d like to ship this feature again.

To allow more time for the affected sites to migrate their components, we are requesting a Deprecation Trial. This trial (called “KeyboardFocusableScrollersOptOut”), when enabled, will disablethe KeyboardFocusableScrollers feature. To give adequate time, we’d like to let this deprecation trial run for 9 months. It might be ok to limit this to 6-months, but would like the option to extend the depreciation period if needed.

On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 12:38:47 PM UTC-7 Vladimir Levin wrote:

    On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:18 PM Mike Taylor
    <> wrote:

        Is there a chromestatus entry associated with this intent?
        There's a lot of information missing from this Intent (see
        as what is typical) - could you reply with the missing info?

        (Did you use ChromeStatus to generate the email?)

        Also note that origin trials can only run for 6 milestones
        initially (see
        - or are you requesting a deprecation trial?

    FWIW, according to
    deprecation trials also only run for up to 6 milestones before

        On 5/10/24 12:36 PM, Di Zhang wrote:
        Contact emails

        *Experiment Goals*The feature KeyboardFocusableScrollers
        changes the focusability of a a scroll container. This is an
        important improvement to help make scrollers and contents
        within scrollers more accessible to all users. The goal of
        this experiment is to collect feedback on this change from
        users who might depend on the previous behavior (when a
        scroller is not focusable by default) and help them adapt to
        the new behavior which will ship in M126. Sites can use this
        Origin Trial to opt out of the KeyboardFocusableScrollers
        *Experiment Risks*This experiment is to allow users to
        opt-out of the feature KeyboardFocusableScrollers. There is
        no risk to loss access to any important API or other
        *Ongoing Constraints*None

        OT desktop start126OT desktop end135OT Android start126OT
        Android end135OT WebView startN/AOT WebView endN/A

        *Note: *The Intent to Ship for Keyboard Focusable Scrollers:
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