Pro-tip for API Owners who want to get their L-G-T-M's detected via email: 
start your reply with the magic word.

ChromeStatus only looks for LGTMs in the first non-blank line of your 
message, which could be a whole paragraph since people usually don't break 
lines themselves in emails.   The reason for that is to avoid detecting one 
that is mentioned as part of a nuanced discussion, e.g., "You are missing 
these things... <br> ... <br>.... After you address them, I will be happy 
to LGTM."    Meta-example: I could use LTGM in this point in the discussion 
without accidentally approving the request myself because this is not the 
first non-blank line.

Also, since we are on the topic, ChromeStatus will not treat the phrases 
"not LGTM", "almost LGTM", "need LGTM", "want LGTM", or "missing LGTM" as 
an approval.  But, if you use some other negative term, it might slip past 
that rule and be counted as approval.  If that ever happens, you can always 
change your vote on


On Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 10:31:33 AM UTC-7 wrote:

Thanks for the LGTMs. By the way, the ChromeStatus page is still gray due 
to one missing approval. Could you check it and add your approval if you 
forgot it?


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