
speakup is an kernel module.
installing stuff from tarballs is not the best idea in case of kernel modules i think.
you need to care about updating it by yourself. that sayd.
you cannot run speakup. it needs to be loaded into the kernel
"sudo modprobe speakup speakup_soft"
after doing that you might be able to install and run "espeakup" to use espeak as speech synth for speakup. by the way, what distribution are you using? maybe i m to "blind ;)" to find that very useful information. if speakup is available as package in your distribution you should prefer that way instead of using a tarball.

if you are using a more current system like Arch or Antergos you will be able to install "fenrir-git" via AUR. that is an basic userspace screenreader without need of kernel module stuff.

cheers chrys

Am 31.07.2017 um 22:29 schrieb Linux for blind general discussion:
I'm trying to use speakup with espeakup.
Espeakup says: "Unable to open the soft synth device: no such file or
I thought I'd installed speakup, but typing it gives "command not found".
I just downloaded a speakup tarball (that took some digging). Running
the makefile produces two errors that I don't understand.

What is speachd-up? Do I need it in addition to speakup and espeakup?

On 7/31/17, Linux for blind general discussion <> wrote:
Do you use espeakup or speechd-up, or some hardware synthesizer?
If you use espeakup or speechd-up, kill all instances and start it from the
graphical terminal with sudo.
Then, switch to some text console and log in - you probably won't have
speech on the login prompt.

Best wishes,

   Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 01:53:38PM -0500

I'm using Orca on Ubuntu MATE. I want to use several terminal
applications because I'm unsatisfied with the desktop apps I currently
Orca's terminal support sucks.
I've installed speakup, but it never runs when I switch to terminal.
Any suggestions for fixes I might try? Thanks.

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