I can confirm the messages are unrelated to the issue. Downloaded the
latest x64 Seamonkey and tried launching it with the same script, but
it produces no errors/warnings in-between the normal x started
normally and x stopped messages.

Will give spdsay a try next time I'm booted into the installed
Debian(typing this from a Knoppix Live session so I can get web things
done in-between trying to debug the issue.

Not sure how I can check if at-spi and orca are running as, in
addition to not getting speech in the GUI, I'm also apparently locked
from switching to a tty that's at the console, which is also an issue
since the work flow I'm used to is using tty switching to do web stuff
in the GUI and everything else in the console, though I thought the
inability to switch ttys was rather irrelevant if I'm not getting
speech in the GUI to begin with, though I suppose it is more relevant
than initially thought since I hadn't considered trying to diagnose
the running xsession from the console...

On 4/1/23, Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 31, 2023, at 16:26, Linux for blind general discussion
>> <blinux-list@redhat.com> wrote:
>> I tried running the script I've previously used for launching a stand
>> alone GUI application with Orca, using Firefox-ESR 102 to test.
>> Firefox starts as it creates a new Firefox profile in my home
>> directory and issuing a close window keyboard command spits me back to
>> the console, but if orca starts, it doesn't talk.
> Have you tested whether Speech-Dispatcher is working (e.g., with the Spd-say
> command)?
> Is at-spi running? Look for at-spi2-registryd with prep?
> You should also check whether Orca is running.
> These investigations should narrow down the problem. There’s nothing in the
> error messages you posted to suggest to me they are more than warnings or
> that they are Orca-related.
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