spd-say "Hello world\n"

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
Please use in that order."
Ed Howdershelt 1940.

On Sat, 1 Apr 2023, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

> Okay, did a little searching and found the sleep command, which I used
> to confirm that Orca is getting launched when I try running the script
> I'm using. In fact, it seems that Orca remains active even once I
> close the appliaction I launched and the script finishes, and only
> gets unloaded when I logout of the tty that executed the script with
> sudo kill on orca's process ID apparantly failing.
> As for spd-say, I'm not sure I'm using it right, but trying to run
> spd-say "hello world"
> or
> spd-say -O
> just results in the console hanging on a blank line until I ctrl+c.
> Granted, doing the same from a KNoppix live session, where the script
> works as expect, spd-say "hello world" does nothing and spd-say -O
> prings espeak-ng to the screen.
> Forgot to check at-spi while I was booted into Debian, but it sounds
> like the problem might be with speech dispatcher.
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