Eggert, Lars <> wrote:
    > I've heard that statement [that RED is supported] from many different
    > people. I wonder if it is
    > actually true. Is there any hard data on this?

The issue I've had is that while RED is supported on a routing device,
and I can enable it on a per-VLAN basis, that does me little good, because
there are bottlenecks in layer-2 devices (ethernet, but also DSL,GPON, etc.)
which are out of my control.

What I would like is a standard layer-3 way to measure bandwidth across
my layer-3 hop, and autoconfigure RED (or CoDel) to the measured bandwidth.
My understanding is that some equipment can use 802.1ad CCP and/or Loopback
frames to measure bandwidth across bridged layer-2 ethernet networks.

I'm unclear if this is a feature of that equipment, or a part of the
standard.  My understanding is that the math involved is pretty
straightforward, but getting it right in code can involve dealing with a
number of numerical issues which makes it slightly non-trivial to
implement. (And you need good low-latency time stamping of packets)

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works

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