Hi everyone

This is to announce version 0.10.0 of Flent: The FLExible Network Tester
(formerly netperf-wrapper).

This is the first release under the new name: I'm hoping not too much
broke in the transition. A list of changes since v0.9.1 is included

To install the release, use `pip install flent`. Arch Linux users can
install through the AUR. Pre-built packages for Debian and Ubuntu are
available from the Open Build Service at

Please report any bugs through Github at https://github.com/tohojo/flent/issues


List of changes sine v0.9.1:

- Package installation should now work through `pip` on most platforms.
  In addition, two binaries are now installed: `flent` and `flent-gui`.
  The latter will launch the GUI directly (corresponding to passing
  --gui to the normal `flent` binary).

- The file format has changed. It now uses the .flnt extension and is
  bzip'ed instead of gzip'ed. In addition, raw data as parsed from the
  underlying test tools is now always included, but it has been moved
  outside the 'metadata' key and resides under its own top-level key
  ('raw_values') in the json object. Finally, the file format is now
  explicitly versioned, and a compatibility layer has been added so
  Flent will still load the old .json.gz files.

- Test runners can now depend on each other, so one test tool can be
  made to run when another finishes. In addition, a 'watchdog' feature
  has been introduced to the runners, so one runner exiting can trigger
  forceful kill of (an)other runner(s). This can be used along with the
  new 'timer' runner to enforce a maximum duration of tests, but can
  also be used with an external script to exit on arbitrary events; for
  instance when a bandwidth quota is used up.

- Flent should now better handle unicode output from test tools under
  different locales. Fixes bugs on OSX in particular, where output from
  the `ping` binary can be non-ASCII.

- Flent no longer crashes on broken pipe for text-based output
  formatters. Allows doing things like `flent -o csv | head` without

- A couple of new tests has been added: `rrul_50_down`, `rrul_100_up`
  and `dslreports_8dn`.

- A --swap-up-down parameter has been added to swap the meaning of "up"
  and "down" when running tests.

- Various bug fixes.

This release announcement is also available on Github:

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