This is  not an initiative I know about, but it mentions Reno and it's inability to use SACK, so it sounds at first hearing to be another dumb gamer thing. Opinions, anyone?

--dave (I used to work for World Gaming) c-b

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Four short links: 2 April 2018
Date:   Mon, 02 Apr 2018 11:40:00 GMT
From:   Nat Torkington <>

Four short links: 2 April 2018

/Game Networking, Grep JSON, Voting Ideas, and UIs from Pictures/

1. Valve's Networking Code
   <> -- /a basic
   transport layer for games. The features are: connection-oriented
   protocol (like TCP)...but message-oriented instead of
   stream-oriented; mix of reliable and unreliable messages; messages
   can be larger than underlying MTU, the protocol performs
   fragmentation and reassembly, and retransmission for reliable;
   bandwidth estimation based on TCP-friendly rate control (RFC 5348);
   encryption; AES per packet, Ed25519 crypto for key exchange and cert
   signatures; the details for shared key derivation and per-packet IV
   are based on Google QUIC; tools for simulating loss and detailed
   stats measurement./
2. gron <> -- grep JSON from the
   command line.
3. The Problem With Voting
   -- I don't agree with all of the analysis, but the proposed
   techniques are interesting. I did like the term "lazy consensus"
   /where consensus is assumed to be the default state (i.e., “default
   to yes”). The underlying theory is that most proposals are not
   interesting enough to discuss. But if anyone does object, a
   consensus seeking process begins./ (via Daniel Bachhuber
4. pix2code <> -- open source
   <> code that generates
   Android, iOS, and web source code for a UI from just a photo. It's
   not coming for your job any time soon (/over 77% of accuracy/), but
   it's still a nifty idea. (via Two Minute Papers <>)

Continue reading Four short links: 2 April 2018. <>

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