> On 29 Nov 2018, at 11:30, Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> My alternative use of ECT(1) is more in keeping with the other codepoints 
>>>> represented by those two bits, to allow ECN to provide more fine-grained 
>>>> information about congestion than it presently does.  The main challenge 
>>>> is communicating the relevant information back to the sender upon receipt, 
>>>> ideally without increasing overhead in the TCP/IP headers.
>>> You need to go into the IETF process and voice this opinion then, because 
>>> if nobody opposes in the near time then ECT(1) might go to L4S 
>>> interpretation of what is going on. They do have ECN feedback mechanisms in 
>>> their proposal, have you read it? It's a whole suite of documents, 
>>> architecture, AQM proposal, transport proposal, the entire thing.
>>> On the other hand, what you want to do and what L4S tries to do might be 
>>> closely related. It doesn't sound too far off.
>> Indeed I think that the proposal of finer-grain feedback using 2 bits 
>> instead of one is not adding anything to, but in fact strictly weaker than 
>> L4S, where the granularity is in the order of the number of packets that you 
>> sent per RTT, i.e. much higher.
> An important facet you may be missing here is that we don't *only* have 2 
> bits to work with, but a whole sequence of packets carrying these 2-bit 
> codepoints.  We can convey fine-grained information by setting codepoints 
> stochastically or in a pattern, rather than by merely choosing one of the 
> three available (ignoring Not-ECT).  The receiver can then observe the 
> density of codepoints and report that to the sender.
> Which is more-or-less the premise of DCTCP.  However, DCTCP changes the 
> meaning of CE, instead of making use of ECT(1), which I think is the big 
> mistake that makes it undeployable.
> So, from the middlebox perspective, very little changes.  ECN-capable packets 
> still carry ECT(0) or ECT(1).  You still set CE on ECT packets, or drop 
> Non-ECT packets, to signal when a serious level of persistent queue has 
> developed, so that the sender needs to back off a lot.  But if a less serious 
> congestion condition exists, you can now signal *that* by changing some 
> proportion of ECT(0) codepoints to ECT(1), with the intention that senders 
> either reduce their cwnd growth rate, halt growth entirely, or enter a 
> gradual decline.  Those are three things that ECN cannot currently signal.
> This change is invisible to existing, RFC-compliant, deployed middleboxes and 
> endpoints, so should be completely backwards-compatible and incrementally 
> deployable in the network.  (The only thing it breaks is the optional ECN 
> integrity RFC that, according to fairly recent measurements, literally nobody 
> bothered implementing.)
> Through TCP Timestamps, both sender and receiver can know fairly precisely 
> when a round-trip has occurred.  The receiver can use this information to 
> calculate the ratio of ECT(0) and ECT(1) codepoints received in the most 
> recent RTT.  A new TCP Option could replace TCP Timestamps and the two bytes 
> of padding that usually go with it, allowing reporting of this ratio without 
> actually increasing the size of the TCP header.  Large cwnds can be 
> accommodated at the receiver by shifting both counters right until they both 
> fit in a byte each; it is the ratio between them that is significant.
> It is then incumbent on the sender to do something useful with that 
> information.  A reasonable idea would be to aim for a 1:1 ratio via an 
> integrating control loop.  Receipt of even one ECT(1) signal might be 
> considered grounds for exiting slow-start, while exceeding 1:2 ratio should 
> limit growth rate to "Reno linear" semantics (significant for CUBIC), and 
> exceeding 2:1 ratio should trigger a "Reno linear" *decrease* of cwnd.  
> Through all this, a single CE mark (reported in the usual way via ECE and 
> CWR) still has the usual effect of a multiplicative decrease.
> That's my proposal.

- and it's an interesting one. Indeed, I wasn't aware that you're thinking of a 
DCTCP-style signal from a string of packets.

Of course, this is hard to get right - there are many possible flavours to 
ideas like this ... but yes, interesting!


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