Dave Collier-Brown <dave.collier-br...@indexexchange.com> writes:

> Tried it, and I really like the header and use of candle-charts!
> I got this:
> [cid:part1.81AC21AC.758FE66F@indexexchange.com]
> I'd like to be able to explain it to non-techie folks (my grandma, and also 
> my IT team at work (;-)), so I wonder on their behalf...
>   *   Why is unloaded a large number, and loaded a small one?
>      *   milliseconds sound like delay, so 111.7 ms sounds slower than 0.0 ms
>   *   Is bloat and latency something bad? The zeroes are in green, does that 
> mean they're good?
>   *   Is max "bad"? In that case I'd call it "worst" and min "best"
>   *   Is median the middle or the average? (no kidding, I've been asked that! 
> I'd call it average)
>   *   Is 25% twenty-five percent of the packets? (I suspect it's a percentile)
>   *   What does this mean in terms of how many Skype calls I can have 
> happening at my house? I have two kids, a wife and a grandmother, all of whom 
> Skype a lot.
> Looking at the cool stuff in the banner, it looks like I can browse,
> do audio calls, video calls (just one, or many?) but not streaming
> (any or just 4k?) or gaming.  Emphasizing that would be instantly
> understandable by grandma and the kids.

Also, holy cow, what's going on with your connection? The unloaded
latency says 17/110/200 min/median/max RTT. Is that due to bad
measurements, or do you have a lot of cross traffic and a really bloated
link? :/

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