Hi Matt,

On 08.07.21 at 15:29 Matt Mathis wrote:
I think there is something missing from your model.    I just scanned your paper and noticed that you made no mention of rounding errors, nor some details around the drain phase timing,   The implementation guarantees that the actual average rate across the combined BW probe and drain is strictly less than the measured maxBW and that the flight size comes back down to minRTT*maxBW before returning to unity pacing gain.  In some sense these checks are redundant, but If you don't do them, it is absolutely true that you are at risk of seeing divergent behaviors.
Sure, most models abstract things away and so does our model leave out
some details, but it describes quite accurately what happens if multiple
BBRv1 flows are present. So the model was not only confirmed by our
own measurements, but also by many others who did BBRv1 experiments.
That said, it is also true that multi-stream BBR behavior is quite complicated and needs more queue space than single stream.   This
Yes, mostly between 1bdp and 1.5bdp of queue space.
complicates the story around the traditional workaround of using multiple streams to compensate for Reno & CUBIC lameness at larger scales (ordinary scales today). Multi-stream does not help BBR throughput and raises the queue occupancy, to the detriment of other users.

And yes, in my presentation, I described the core BBR algorithms as a framework, which might be extended to incorporate many additional algorithms if they provide optimal control in some settings.  And yes, several are present in BBRv2.

Ok, thanks for clarification.


The best way to predict the future is to create it.  - Alan Kay

We must not tolerate intolerance;
       however our response must be carefully measured:
            too strong would be hypocritical and risks spiraling out of control;
            too weak risks being mistaken for tacit approval.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 4:24 AM Bless, Roland (TM) <roland.bl...@kit.edu <mailto:roland.bl...@kit.edu>> wrote:

    Hi Matt,

    On 08.07.21 at 00:38 Matt Mathis wrote:
    Actually BBR does have a window based backup, which normally only
    comes into play during load spikes and at very short RTTs.   It
    defaults to 2*minRTT*maxBW, which is twice the steady state
    window in it's normal paced mode.

    So yes, BBR follows option b), but I guess that you are referring
    to BBRv1 here.
    We have shown in [1, Sec.III] that BBRv1 flows will *always* run
    (conceptually) toward their above quoted inflight-cap of
    2*minRTT*maxBW, if more than one BBR flow is present at the
    bottleneck. So strictly speaking " which *normally only* comes
    into play during load spikes and at very short RTTs" isn't true
    for multiple BBRv1 flows.

    It seems that in BBRv2 there are many more mechanisms present
    that try to control the amount of inflight data more tightly and
    the new "cap"
    is at 1.25 BDP.

    This is too large for short queue routers in the Internet core,
    but it helps a lot with cross traffic on large queue edge routers.

    Best regards,

    [1] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8117540

    On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 3:19 PM Bless, Roland (TM)
    <roland.bl...@kit.edu <mailto:roland.bl...@kit.edu>> wrote:

        Hi Matt,

        [sorry for the late reply, overlooked this one]

        please, see comments inline.

        On 02.07.21 at 21:46 Matt Mathis via Bloat wrote:
        The argument is absolutely correct for Reno, CUBIC and all
        other self-clocked protocols.  One of the core assumptions
        in Jacobson88, was that the clock for the entire system
        comes from packets draining through the bottleneck queue. 
        In this world, the clock is intrinsically brittle if the
        buffers are too small.  The drain time needs to be a
        substantial fraction of the RTT.
        I'd like to separate the functions here a bit:

        1) "automatic pacing" by ACK clocking

        2) congestion-window-based operation

        I agree that the automatic pacing generated by the ACK clock
        (function 1) is increasingly
        distorted these days and may consequently cause micro bursts.
        This can be mitigated by using paced sending, which I
        consider very useful.
        However, I consider abandoning the (congestion) window-based
        with ACK feedback (function 2) as harmful:
        a congestion window has an automatic self-stabilizing
        property since the ACK feedback reflects
        also the queuing delay and the congestion window limits the
        amount of inflight data.
        In contrast, rate-based senders risk instability: two senders
        in an M/D/1 setting, each sender sending with 50%
        bottleneck rate in average, both using paced sending at 120%
        of the average rate, suffice to cause
        instability (queue grows unlimited).

        IMHO, two approaches seem to be useful:
        a) congestion-window-based operation with paced sending
        b) rate-based/paced sending with limiting the amount of
        inflight data

        However, we have reached the point where we need to discard
        that requirement.  One of the side points of BBR is that in
        many environments it is cheaper to burn serving CPU to pace
        into short queue networks than it is to "right size" the
        network queues.

        The fundamental problem with the old way is that in some
        contexts the buffer memory has to beat Moore's law, because
        to maintain constant drain time the memory size and BW both
        have to scale with the link (laser) BW.

        See the slides I gave at the Stanford Buffer Sizing workshop
        december 2019: Buffer Sizing: Position Paper

        Thanks for the pointer. I don't quite get the point that the
        buffer must have a certain size to keep the ACK clock stable:
        in case of an non application-limited sender, a very small
        buffer suffices to let the ACK clock
        run steady. The large buffers were mainly required for
        loss-based CCs to let the standing queue
        build up that keeps the bottleneck busy during CWnd reduction
        after packet loss, thereby
        keeping the (bottleneck link) utilization high.



        Note that we are talking about DC and Internet core.  At the
        edge, BW is low enough where memory is relatively cheap. 
         In some sense BB came about because memory is too cheap in
        these environments.

        The best way to predict the future is to create it.  - Alan Kay

        We must not tolerate intolerance;
               however our response must be carefully measured:
                    too strong would be hypocritical and risks
        spiraling out of control;
                    too weak risks being mistaken for tacit approval.

        On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 9:59 AM Stephen Hemminger
        <mailto:step...@networkplumber.org>> wrote:

            On Fri, 2 Jul 2021 09:42:24 -0700
            Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com
            <mailto:dave.t...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            > "Debunking Bechtolsheim credibly would get a lot of
            attention to the
            > bufferbloat cause, I suspect." - dpreed
            > "Why Big Data Needs Big Buffer Switches" -

            Also, a lot depends on the TCP congestion control
            algorithm being used.
            They are using NewReno which only researchers use in
            real life.

            Even TCP Cubic has gone through several revisions. In my
            experience, the
            NS-2 models don't correlate well to real world behavior.

            In real world tests, TCP Cubic will consume any buffer
            it sees at a
            congested link. Maybe that is what they mean by capture

            There is also a weird oscillation effect with multiple
            streams, where one
            flow will take the buffer, then see a packet loss and
            back off, the
            other flow will take over the buffer until it sees loss.



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