At 14:53 20/03/2007, Egon Willighagen wrote:

I haven't been reading everything so may have missed things...

On Tuesday 20 March 2007, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> Will do - it would be nice to have a central location for
> Chemistry-related Greasemonkey/Javascript scripts,

Can we think of a catchy name here? It should include BO - BOScripts? BlueMonkey? I am really keen that we add BO to all our stuff - yes I haven't been as good as I should but it's laziness

 so that next time I
> won't overlook work that you or someone else has already carried out.
> Maybe somewhere on the BO wiki.

Yes, that would be a good idea.

Do we envisage many scripts or (better IMO) a single script with options. Here are my immediate thoughts from my viewpoint: - OSCAR-extracted terminology. (Some one else raised this). This requires a set of lexicons for the various terms - but VERY powerful. David Jessop (here) did a summer project on this in the Polymer area using GreaseMonkey. Worked beautifully. - OSCAR extracted compounds. Might have to link through to a site such as WWMM or PubChem to resolve some of the names. We can't easily cache 10 million names - Nick's CrystalEye database (for papers with crystal structures). Very powerful - can be linked through DOI in the same was as Cb.


It will be interesting to see how the journals react. There is nothing they can do to prevent the viral spread of this.


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