Our SF project blueobelisk.sf.net has been approved and we now have a
SF-based platform.
Let me know who wants to take responsibilities.
I have added PeterMR and EgonW to the project as project admins, but
clearly, we need more here.

A minor question: Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] ok for our new
mailing list. It needs to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] We can
only choose the "something" part :-)

I' going to submit a support request regarding the move of the archives.
Hope that'll work, but since both systems are mailman based, it might.



PD Dr. Christoph Steinbeck ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Gastdozent für Chemieinformatik
Univ. Tuebingen, WSI-RA, Sand 1, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: (+49/0) 7071-29-78978   Fax (+49/0) 7071-29-5091

What is man but that lofty spirit - that sense of enterprise.
... Kirk, "I, Mudd," stardate 4513.3..
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