> Geoff, I will look at that. What does "fully validated" mean exactly? 

There's an MMFF94 validation set:

This includes 761 structures, plus energies, etc. But one reason I bring this 
up, is that you can use Babel to generate partial charges (e.g., for mol2 
echo "c(s1)ccc1Cl" | babel -ismi --gen3d --partialcharge mmff94 -omol2

In short, feel free to use Babel to generate a pile of MMFF94 charges for 
testing. IIRC, the structures in the test set also have MMFF94 charges.

> I have the SMARTS business for MMFF94 charges working in Jmol now for getting 
> the atom types -- obviously not validated! -- and I suspect it will require a 
> bit of hand-crafting. 

We'd be interested in testing SMARTS versus the hand-crafted rules in Open 

Hope that helps,

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