Great to hear from you.

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 1:20 AM Wibe de Jong <> wrote:

> The journal Quantum ( is taking a somewhat
> similar approach, though they have not been able to get the cost to
> zero...though you can pay nothing (more of an honor system). See
> for
> details.
Thanks.  Your fee of 450 Eur is about what some independent studies have
suggested is the cost (not the price) of APC. Your running costs of 16K Eur
would be met by 1.3 papers in Nature. That's the appalling injustice.

I am disappointed in the funders . Their message is:
* if you are employed in a rich university in our remit we will pay
whatever the publishers demand even if it's 10 times the real cost
* if you are not, we don't want to know about your science.


J-S Bert and I met when he was at PNNL and I visited. I was developing
semantic output from computational codes (NWChem). There is still a long
way to go.

> It is an interesting approach, journals for researchers run by
> researchers. The hard part is to get enough "rich" researchers to not pay
> for open- or closed access (library pays). A lot of journals are driven by
> professional societies. To get around those, it would mean increasing
> memberships to the professional societies, i.e. a bit more socialist
> approach. So, changing business models is not just a publisher issue I
> think. If we could convince one society to go free open-access, it might
> help get the transformation started.

The Croatian Chemical Society does exactly that with Croatica Chemica Acta.

> Bert
> --
"I always retain copyright in my papers, and nothing in any contract I sign
with any publisher will override that fact. You should do the same".

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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