Well I had a fail of an evening.  I have a new 5210R and I was trying to
migrate a 5209R over to it and nothing I tried would work.


First I tried EasyMigrate. I followed all the steps one at a time and the
check, config, and mysql steps all worked fine but when I got to moving the
actual sites I got the following error: ERROR: Unable to get target Vsite


I could not find any troubleshooting steps to help and nothing I tried made
any change.


Any ideas?




M Aronoff Out -  <mailto:maron...@gmail.com> maron...@gmail.com 


I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have
of it.
  -  <http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/31912.html> Thomas Jefferson


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