Hi Michael,

> First I tried EasyMigrate. I followed all the steps one at a time and
> the check, config, and mysql steps all worked fine but when I got to
> moving the actual sites I got the following error: ERROR: Unable to get
> target Vsite baseline
> I could not find any troubleshooting steps to help and nothing I tried
> made any change.
The "ERROR: Unable to get target Vsite baseline" happens, when
Easy-Migrate is unable to weed out the differences between the source
and target box.

It already has 'Vsite' and 'User' Objects from the source server. It
knows that the target server might have different parameters inside the
'Vsite' and 'User' Objects that Easy-Migrate needs to create.

So it looks at an existing 'Vsite' and 'User' object on the target box
to find out the small differences that might exist. If the target box
has no Vsite(s) yet, then Easy-Migrate will create a dummy-Vsite, will
examine the structure of the object and will then delete that
dummy-Vsite again.

Once it knows what 'User' and 'Vsite' Objects have to look like on the
target box, it has the 'baseline' for the import.

In your case it couldn't figure out the baseline for the 'Vsite' object.
Perhaps the target server has no Vsite yet *and* Easy-Migrate was unable
to create a Vsite.

To test this, please create a Vsite manually via the GUI and see what
errors (if any) you get.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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