On Wednesday 10 Nov 2010 20:53:16 Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Nov 2010 18:12:19 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
> Now that a non-SC member replied, I can't hold back either: I wouldn't
> be that sceptical :)
> > Well - nothing against giving appropriate credit - but the question is
> > what does he think is appropriate?

This would be my first question and would have to be negotiated.  SUN/Oracle 
have a small banner at the bottom of each page on the OOo site and contribute 
over a hundred devs and all the infrastructure which is probably appropriate 
for them.  Contributing some hours to site design would mean that 
"appropriate" would be somewhat less than that.  A mention on "Commercial 
contributors" page perhaps

> We can always propose and ask. :). But given that we have a page where
> we already credit around 500 people, it can't hurt to also insert a
> section that thanks them for helping to set up the website.
> > The problem I personally have with this is that the result then is not
> > community knowledge, think in therms of bus-factor and the like.

Agreed,  That's always a danger, but then as long as the community holds the 
reins and defines the interaction, that can probably be mitigated

> I don't see it as that bad. We have many alleged drupal fans, and I bet
> they will be able to switch out the themes or modules or whatnot.

The amount of Drupal expertise that we seem to have certainly makes any 
negative results for the community less likely.

> In fact, I think it would be dumb to refuse an offer from a commercial
> entity to help us, just because they are not in the community yet. The
> point of LO is to get more people (and firms) involved in our community,
> and allowing them to help us set up a professional website would
> demonstrate our openness to such contributions by other firms. If we
> don't like it we are always free to refuse or exchange it later.
> Sebastian

I must admit that my first reaction was something like Christian's, however on 
thinking about it, we are working on a different paradigm here. So perhaps 
there is room to at least look and discuss.


Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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