Hi Ismaël, all

Ismaël Grammenidis schrieb:
Hi everyone,

For general purposes concerning artwork/design etc. this is a good idea.
The problem is that this list will probably be loaded with many topics, from
splash screens to icons and wallpapers...

That is why I would like to suggest to create a sublist specifically for the
LibreOffice brand (like discussion about the logo and creating consistent
guidelines). This to avoid having 100 mails every day with topics that are
perhaps not interesting to the subscriber.

I don't think that the number of postings there will be so high, but even 20 or 30 mails are quite a lot.

My problem with more different mailing lists is that many topics are related to more than one of them. Most artwork has to follow the branding and visual design guidelines, but will influence branding in a more subtle way.

Icons are clearly related to branding as well as to visual design and UX, and imagine someone contributing a proposal for a logo update: With different lists it will become hard to find the right way.

That list (branding) alone will
probably produce a lot of topics, so I think it would be better not to merge
it together with the design mailinglist.

You're right - at least until we defined the initial and community branding design.

I think at this time other discussions will step back a bit, because most of them will have to depend on the branding results.

To differentiate between the topics I'd keep on using [TAGs], that can be added even inside a thread if it relates to another area of interest.

Even if the OP or the first repliers forget to add the tag, it will probably be done on one of the following mails, informing list readers specialized on a sub-area to read the thread...

I know that this is not optimal, but I'd rather like to start this way.

So brand...@libreoffice.org would be good to, or evern more specific:
brandm...@libreoffice.org / trademark

This is a really different focus - and if you define branding as the definition basis for the design, combining it with trademark is really reasonable.

I don't know if some of the trademark postings need to stay confidential - OOo used to have a private list for this topic - if not, this might be an interesting idea.

But even in this case I'd try to keep design topics off this list, but on des...@libo.

Best regards


With kind regards,
Ismaël Grammenidis

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