On Wednesday 17 Nov 2010 11:48:28 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
> Hi Ismaël, all
> Ismaël Grammenidis schrieb:
> > Hi everyone,
> > 
> > For general purposes concerning artwork/design etc. this is a good idea.
> > The problem is that this list will probably be loaded with many topics,
> > from splash screens to icons and wallpapers...
> > 
> > That is why I would like to suggest to create a sublist specifically for
> > the LibreOffice brand (like discussion about the logo and creating
> > consistent guidelines). This to avoid having 100 mails every day with
> > topics that are perhaps not interesting to the subscriber.
> I don't think that the number of postings there will be so high, but
> even 20 or 30 mails are quite a lot.
> My problem with more different mailing lists is that many topics are
> related to more than one of them. Most artwork has to follow the
> branding and visual design guidelines, but will influence branding in a
> more subtle way.
> Icons are clearly related to branding as well as to visual design and
> UX, and imagine someone contributing a proposal for a logo update: With
> different lists it will become hard to find the right way.
> > That list (branding) alone will
> > probably produce a lot of topics, so I think it would be better not to
> > merge it together with the design mailinglist.
> You're right - at least until we defined the initial and community
> branding design.
> I think at this time other discussions will step back a bit, because
> most of them will have to depend on the branding results.
> To differentiate between the topics I'd keep on using [TAGs], that can
> be added even inside a thread if it relates to another area of interest.
> Even if the OP or the first repliers forget to add the tag, it will
> probably be done on one of the following mails, informing list readers
> specialized on a sub-area to read the thread...
> I know that this is not optimal, but I'd rather like to start this way.
> > So brand...@libreoffice.org would be good to, or evern more specific:
> > brandm...@libreoffice.org / trademark
> This is a really different focus - and if you define branding as the
> definition basis for the design, combining it with trademark is really
> reasonable.
> I don't know if some of the trademark postings need to stay confidential
> - OOo used to have a private list for this topic - if not, this might be
> an interesting idea.
> But even in this case I'd try to keep design topics off this list, but
> on des...@libo.
> Best regards
> Bernhard
> > With kind regards,
> > Ismaël Grammenidis

I'm with Bernhard on this, the total mail volume for Branding, UX, Art.  
Trademark is a different beast.  Trying to get some consistency across brand 
look and feel, and promo art would be enhanced by using a single list and 
avoid fragmentation and constant cross posting which was a problem on the OOo 


Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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