Le samedi 16 juin 2012 à 11:49 +1000, Jean Weber a écrit :
> I want to produce some t-shirts with the LibreOffice logo (and the TDF
> subline) for me to wear at the conferences I'm attending in the US in
> July and August as a representative of TDF. May I have permission to
> do this?
> I note that this wiki page
> (http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/Branding) says the logo
> with TDF included is for official uses (people representing TDF), and
> another logo (without TDF) is for community uses.
> I would also like to make t-shirts with the community-use logo
> available for sale to the public, with all profits to TDF.
> I realise that others (including Simon Phipps) have made proposals for
> t-shirts and other "swag", but AFAIK these proposals are awaiting
> design input. If I am to have t-shirts for this forthcoming trip, I
> need to do something now... at least for my own use, if not for
> general sale.
> Thanks!
> --Jean

+1 from my side, should we vote simply like this or what's the timeframe
for decision?

Charles-H. Schulz
Co-Founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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