Hi Michael, Bubli,

Im late to this discussion, sorry.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 01:28:11PM +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
>       I'm aware of some sensitive situations in the past that have been
> handled adroitly by some community members. At some conference or other
> we had had a: "If you have any concerns talk to Bubli or Michael"
> announcement early at the beginning - I forget the language; that seems
> entirely appropriate for the project as a whole.

That was LibreOffice conference 2012 Berlin, mostly on my initiative.

Bubli wrote:
> The most frequent (and in fact the only) argument I hear when mentioning code
> of conduct, or the fact that TDF has no code of conduct to be precise, is "but
> but but, we're such a bunch of nice guys, nothing bad has ever happened here,
> nobody has ever been harassed, so why bother, why restrict freedom of speech
> preemptively etc."

FWIW, I certainly considered asking to implement a CoC for TDF. The reason for
not doing so was not the above, but that I feared a community with a CoC that
is not acted upon is even worse off than one without a CoC[1]. Seeing that we 
even repeated the basic announce of contact persons that we did at the Berlin
conference made me somewhat reluctant to push the topic.

Seeing the discussion here, it seems though there apparently now is wider 
for a CoC now that will not only be rubberstamped, but also acted upon -- which
is encouraging. So yes, this really should be a topic at FOSDEM.



[1] Because you can only introduce a CoC that is trusted by those that need it
    once. Trust is an account that you cannot deposit to once it got sour.

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