## Personal details

Full name: Samuel John Wilson Tuke
Email: m...@samtuke.com
Corporate affiliation: None

## 74 words statement

The Document Foundation has proven that independent, community-centric organisations can thrive. However LibreOffice faces significant challenges regarding product competitiveness, commercial investment, and ecosystem diversity. If elected, I will use my influence to increase the variety and competitiveness of LibreOffice businesses, encouraging jobs and new products, to better serve our community’s needs. I bring experience and qualifications in business, marketing, and product management, 16 years in Free Software, and have led for and non-profit organisations.

## Full statement

As § 2 of its statutes say, The Document Foundation’s goals are achieved first by providing software. This software faces new competition on every platform, from both Free and non-Free alternatives. Through generous donations from the community, the Foundation is able to sponsor feature development a few times each year.

But to be competitive, a thriving ecosystem of LibreOffice companies and products need to be cooperatively investing in improving the applications we know and love. I believe that more can be done to harness the benefits of such an ecosystem for LibreOffice users current and future, and if elected I shall work to that end.

Simultaneously I will encourage additional support of communities which are of strategic significance to LibreOffice, in particular relating to quality assurance, localisation, and documentation, all of which contribute work which is critical for reaching new LibreOffice users.

Finally, as an independent candidate in this election, not involved with any LibreOffice company or the upcoming Document Collective (TDC), I am well positioned to represent long term community interests, mediate between parties, and pursue sustainable strategic goals.

## Personal background

Four years ago I ceased marketing LibreOffice products full time and took over management of phpList -- a Free Software marketing automation company. Since then I have remained a contributor to the LibreOffice marketing team, and occasionally delivered LibreOffice talks at events.

I have experience leading my own firms, as well as having previously supported the board of the Free Software Foundation Europe, and served on the board of the OpenSpace Cooperative in England.

Berlin has been my home since 2010, where I live with my girlfriend (we met at the Open Source Albania conference in Tirana in 2016). I'm also a startup mentor to entrepreneurs in Ghana, Nigera, and Egypt, and graduated last year with an MBA as Entrepreneurial scholar at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin.



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