On 09.07.20 18:19, Andreas Mantke wrote:
and there are three reasons, why TDF is "Gemeinnützig":

   * der Volks- und Berufsbildung,
   * der Wissenschaft und Forschung, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der
   * des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements zugunsten gemeinnütziger Zwecke.

(non binding English translation:

   * Public and professional education
   * Science and research, particularly in the field of computer science
   * Civic engagement for non-profit purposes)

There is nothing in this lines about the promotion of an ecosystem of
service providers (etc.).

i don't believe anybody is claiming that promotion of an ecosystem of service providers should be a *goal* of TDF - what i understand is being claimed is that it can be a good *means*, a tool to eventually help reach the actual defined goals of TDF to a fuller extent, and the proposed marketing plan is a way to increase the ... leverage(?) ... of the means/tool.

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