Hi *,

to comment on one aspect here for the moment:

Italo Vignoli wrote:
> I think the question is legitimate if you take away the last portion:
> "assuming the statutes can be tweaked". I do not see how the statutes
> can be tweaked, but I think that they can be applied with some added
> flexibility ("flexible" is different from "tweaked").
The statutes _can_ be modified, but the bar for that is relatively
high (for good reasons), plus the changes must not modify the original
intends and purposes:

- § 14 (1): The Board of Directors can make changes to the Articles of
  Association provided that the changes do not affect the foundation’s
  goals and do not substantially alter the original design of the
  foundation or facilitate the fulfillment of the foundation’s goals.

- and any change has to be ratified (in essence cross-checked to
  fulfil the above requirements) by the foundation authorities

All the best,

-- Thorsten

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