
Italo Vignoli wrote:

Yet, having them on our side showing support, spreading the word, is
important. And the same applies in the area of e.g. marketing and
design. We do want to value the support also from people that help on a
booth or do a local presentation 2, 3 times a year and have them engaged.
Is it necessary to try to make them all member? Growing membership is
not a goal of the community.

My opinion is completely different here, and I think there are several
other people who share my point of view. Actually, several people asked
about ideas to grow the membership by involving more contributors.

Someone who supports TDF's mission on a repeated basis, potentially even sacrificing their vacation or weekend to be present at a booth, talking about the things we do and ideals we share, at several occasions per year, fulfills quite some conditions for being a TDF member indeed.

More important is that the board of
trustees is composed in a way, that this supports that people who
are doing the hard and essential work of development will also be
leading their own work. We cannot afford that the meritocracy
disappears; this is undesired.

Sorry, but I completely disagree here. Having a board of trustees based
only on developers would be as bad as having a board of trustees without
developers, and would kill meritocracy in both cases.

The key message is that we all need each other. Without developers, there will be no software that can be tested by QA. Without QA, there will be no stable software available on our download servers. Without infra, there will be no download servers. Without marketing, nobody knows about our software available for download. Without administration, nobody pays for the servers where people can do all these things.

All contributors, paid or volunteers, have their share in what TDF does - no one is more or less important than others.


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