3 - Community
2 - Advance
1 -  Rolling

Clóvis Tristão

Clóvis Tristão
Mobile Phone: 55 (19) 99117-3116 (whatsapp)
GTalk: tclo...@gmail.com
CV LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0824541439051697

Be Cool, use GNU/Linux
LibreOffice.org --> http://libreoffice.org/
Ubuntu Translate PT-BR --> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu

Em qua, 9 de dez de 2020 18:20, Daniel Armando Rodriguez <
drodrig...@documentfoundation.org> escreveu:

> El 2020-12-07 12:28, Lothar K. Becker escribió:
> As announced in the previous mail, as follow-up to the marketing plan, the
> board ALSO has to decide on a concrete TAG ("Label") for LibreOffice 7.1.
> Find the SLIDES with the THREE PROPOSED TAGS at
>     https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/sTKeS4NipJ6X9XH
> which are from the discussion with our members, and also contain related
> information on their strengths and weaknesses, provided by the marketing
> team.
> The proposals, in ALPHABETICAL order, are as follows:
> a. Advance
> b. Community
> c. Rolling
> *Vote text and procedures: *
> - Please VOTE with a clear RANKING for the three TAG ("label") proposals.
>   No double ranks are allowed. Each ranking can be assigned just once.
>   3 is the HIGHEST ranking (your most favorite tag), 1 is the LOWEST
> ranking (your least favorite tag).
>   The winner will be the tag ranked best, i.e. with the highest overall
> number.
>   We use the ranking to come to a quick and effective decision this week.
> *Notes on the vote:*
> - This vote is NOT about possible TRANSLATIONS.
>   Details of that is to be decided by the local communities together with
> the marketing project.
>   If no appropriate translation is found, the original term in English
> will be taken.
> - This vote is NOT about the ABOUT BOX TEXT.
>   This will be decided after the tag is chosen.
> I now ask ALL the board members to RANK.
> The *ranking will CLOSE*
>     Thursday, December 10, 1800 Berlin time
> --
> Lothar K. Becker, Member of the Board of Directors
> The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
> Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
> Legal details: https://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint
> mail: lot...@documentfoundation.org
> phone: +49 7202 9499 001 (c/o .riess applications gmbh)
> This is my ranking
> 3. Community
> 2. Advance
> 1. Rolling
> I just want to mention that we need this type of consultation to receive
> more participation from the members of the foundation. I encourage everyone
> to voice their opinion when the opportunity arises, while thanking those
> who shared their ideas.
> Regards
> --

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