Hi *,

my first email with that subject wasn't really meant to start a
discussion, but make a statement.

I'll not debate individual points (or answer further in this thread);
in the end we can agree to disagree (as long as we manage to pull
together & towards shared goals).

It is therefore encouraging to see that almost all participants on
this collection of threads are trying to pull things together, and
either try to convey wisdom and vision, or finding middle ground.

Sadly, there's some divisiveness injected repeatedly. This has to
stop, for the benefit of this project & its community. It is patently
untrue that the board did everything right, and some hostile external
forces were screwing us over.

This is from the standard populist playbook, and I've had enough of
it. We've all made mistakes, and mis-calculated (sometimes badly) here
or there. Let's move on.

Two things need a dedicated answer:

> I would rather not stop looking at the past as it's only by learning
> from the past that we create a better future.
Open Source in general, and this project (and its ancestors) in
particular have a very rich history indeed, that is worth learning
from. So let's not cherry-pick our stories, and acknowledge that a
project of this size relies critically on a working commercial

> > There's definitely things that TDF can do much better than any
> > ecosystem company. There's also definitely things that ecosystem
> > companies are likely better suited for, than TDF. The same is true for
> > our volunteer community
> True and that's why there is room for all to have fun and participate to
> make LibreOffice and related project great.
> > (which is BTW not the same as TDF, the foundation!).
> This comment worries me a bit.
There is nothing to worry about. I'm stating here, that the goals of
TDF (as enshrined in the statutes), and the shared goals of our
community (all those contributing to LibreOffice) are not necessarily
exactly the same. It is useful for all of us to remember, that TDF is
there (and was founded) to serve the community, and not the other way

My original comment was pointing to something else though, so this is
again a tangent. What I said was, that there's three large camps
(ecosystem, TDF, volunteer community), that ideally complement each
other in what we do. Instead of eyeing each other with mistrust.

And now - let's move on!


-- Thorsten

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