Hi all,

always the same not appropriate behavior: capture a thread with a new

Am 10.06.22 um 11:51 schrieb Michael Meeks:
Hi there,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 31.05.22 at 21:03:
TDF to publish LibreOffice in the app stores, especially Apple and
Microsoft. TDF will work to prepare LibreOffice for the app stores
as soon as possible

    As this era ends, I'd like to say how pleased we are at
Collabora to have been able to lead here - to have fronted the
significant initial investment needed to get LibreOffice into the Mac
sandbox, and app-store and to have got it done.

    We made it easier for a large number of users to get
LibreOffice. Later on we charged for the convenience and re-invested
that into improving the Mac version up-stream, and also are pleased to

this means that Collabora used money from the app store:

a) to decide itself how and where to improve the source code for the Mac
version (independent from TDF [board / community])

b) to grow its staff and portray itself as the biggest service provider
for the office suite.

The whole email looks like a laudatory for lifework, but this is only
framing. It should soften the real message and the frustration.


    If the TDF board want to have a bigger packaging team, so be
it. Hopefully it will not negatively impact those who previously did
the work.

    I am somewhat curious as to the budget impact here, and the
real scope of "app-store". In particularly how much time is this
expected to take away from areas such as CTL/RTL, CJK as well as other
things that we are hoping to address with targeted developers ?
It looks like that there is no expectation that TDF in-house developers
and staff will be able to work on source code beyond app-store needs.
And the real message is: bad board decision, let the situation as it is now.

And in the end it is a hidden complain about the removal of a source of
income for companies.

But the whole process with the app-store management was based on trust
between TDF and the companies. And since the process about LOOL and the
fork this trust was broken.

It should be obvious now that such decisions could lead to 'unexpected' 
(for the doer) consequences in other areas.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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