Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-04-09-14.05.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-04-09-14.05.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 14:05:49 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-04-09-14.05.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 14:06:07)
  * infra update  (doron, 14:06:09)
  * 3.3 updates  (doron, 14:06:10)
  * 3.4 status  (doron, 14:06:12)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:06:15)
  * other topics  (doron, 14:06:16)

* infra update  (doron, 14:07:38)

* 3.3 updates  (doron, 14:12:38)
  * oVirt 3.3.5 GA expected today. This is the last 3.3.x version ovirt
    will have. Notification sent to mailing lists.  (doron, 14:14:19)

* 3.4 status  (doron, 14:15:36)
  * 3.4.z release page available in:
    http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.z_release-management  (doron,

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:19:59)
  * infra 3.5 updates: still scoping. Should complete the table for next
    time.  (doron, 14:24:32)
  * integration 3.5 updates: all features have a design and published.
    Work started already, and community volunteers helping with guest
    tools iso.  (doron, 14:28:51)
  * network 3.5 updates: network custom properties work started, after
    no feedback in the list. Additionally some nits are in progress, and
    per-DC MAC pool mail should be sent soon.  (doron, 14:32:38)
  * LINK: http://www.ovirt.org/Feature/oVirtAppliance   (fabiand,
  * LINK: http://gerrit.ovirt.org/26201   (fabiand, 14:36:00)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875088   (fabiand,
  * node 3.5 updates:  oVirt Appliance page in place. Other feature
    pages are in progress. A patch for hosted engine plugin for Node
    available:  http://gerrit.ovirt.org/26201  (doron, 14:39:06)
  * sla 3.5 updates: feature pages are in place. A review session was
    yesterday and work started on the various features.  (doron,
  * storage 3.5 updates: a review session will be held tomorrow. most
    features on track and pages are in progress.  (doron, 14:43:41)
  * ux 3.5 updates: feature review was earlier today. Feature work is
    already in progress. GUI over REST will probably not make it.
    (doron, 14:45:42)
  * virt to update offline.  (doron, 14:48:19)

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:48:32)
  * no updates on conferences and workshops.  (doron, 14:50:35)

* other topics  (doron, 14:50:43)
  * we had a conference last Friday and Saturday in Graz, Austria.
    (doron, 14:54:27)
  * Kudus to Rene Koch for his workshop in Graz.  (doron, 14:55:11)
  * another conference in Austria is in the beginning of May in Vienna.
    Will have oVirt stand there too  (doron, 14:55:27)
  * No meeting next week.  (doron, 14:56:59)

Meeting ended at 14:59:44 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (119)
* sbonazzo (20)
* fabiand (17)
* lvernia (9)
* mskrivanek (8)
* ybronhei (8)
* dcaro (5)
* amureini (4)
* ecohen|mtg (3)
* ovirtbot (3)
* jb_netapp (2)
* msivak (1)
* gchaplik__ (1)

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