Minutes:        http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-25-14.04.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-25-14.04.txt

#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by doron at 14:04:55 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-06-25-14.04.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (doron, 14:04:57)
  * infra update  (doron, 14:04:58)
  * 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:05:00)
  * 3.5 status  (doron, 14:05:01)
  * conferences and workshops  (doron, 14:05:03)
  * other topics  (doron, 14:05:04)

* infra update  (doron, 14:08:22)
  * infra updates: more jobs being created by yaml. UI changes do not
    persist.  (doron, 14:10:33)

* 3.4.z updates  (doron, 14:11:24)
  * up next on 3.4.z is 3.4.3 RC planned for 2014-07-10. Currently no
    blockers.  (doron, 14:13:19)

* 3.5 status  (doron, 14:13:31)
  * current 3.5 blockers: integration: F20 support and external
    scheduler logs to be added to log-collector on EL6  (doron,
  * 3.5.0 tracker: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1073943  (doron, 14:15:21)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1073943#c1
    (sbonazzo, 14:16:31)
  * AGREED: bug 1110305 is related (if not duplicate) of 1083529.
    Currently not a blocker  (doron, 14:26:48)
  * 3.5.0 status: vdsm branched already. Engine branch delayed until
    infra resolves current issue. oved to update sbonazzo tomorrow.
    (doron, 14:35:41)
  * vdsm 3.5.0: branched, no blockers.  (doron, 14:43:09)
  * infra has 3 pending items for 3.5.0 which should be concluded for
    tomorrow.  (doron, 14:46:35)
  * integration 3.5.0 updates: 2 items should be finalized by the end of
    next week.  (doron, 14:48:51)
  * sla has 2 exceptions. should be handled next week.  (doron,
  * sla has 3 exceptions. should be handled next week.  (doron,
  * storage 3.5.0 updates: live merge depend on upstream libvirt work,
    import existing domain on block storage. Current ETA: mid-next week
    (doron, 14:53:05)
  * ux 3.5.0 updates: sorting early next week, followed by packaging.
    Italian translation still in progress.  (doron, 14:56:47)
  * virt 3.5.0 updates: virtio-rng  planned to be resolved during the
    following week.  (doron, 15:02:21)
  * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1110305  suggested as a
    version blocker for 3.5.0, TBD for next week.  (doron, 15:03:30)

* conferences and workshops  (doron, 15:05:08)
  * network 3.5.0 updates: 2 additional features made it in. Neutron
    appliance may not ,make it for first beta.  (doron, 15:14:38)
  * Bug 1113091 -  VDSM trying to restore saved network rollback  as a
    blocker suggested as a blocker. TBD by next week with thre network
    team.  (doron, 15:15:15)
  * OSCON prep's making progress.  (doron, 15:16:39)
  * ovirt workshop planning in progress. The various community leaders
    will be getting together to figure out a more streamlined approach
    to project-specific events. This will, ideally, lead to more oVirt
    content in more focused conferences and workshops.  (doron,

* other topics  (doron, 15:17:56)
  * Docs team is delivering an abbreviated set of oVirt documentation
    this week.  bkp has a first draft of an administrator's guide now.
    (doron, 15:19:38)
  * for now docs may be published in pdf format.  site migration: bkp
    working with OSAS design team on a timeline.  (doron, 15:20:53)
  * Mirror update: New European mirror is up, still waiting for AARNET
    to post their mirror in Australia.  (doron, 15:21:04)
  * bkp preparing solid download metrics for oVirt software. Thanks to
    misc and alonbl for their assistance. This will publish as soon as I
    figure out best format on Google Docs.  (doron, 15:21:43)

Meeting ended at 15:23:30 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* doron (159)
* sbonazzo (24)
* lvernia (21)
* fabiand (18)
* mskrivanek (17)
* danken (16)
* oved (15)
* bkp (14)
* awels (9)
* amureini (7)
* ecohen (4)
* dcaro (3)
* bazulay (3)
* Akegata (2)
* ovirtbot (2)
* alonbl (1)

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