Which is why I have suggested the opt-out mechanism and the increased  
award for those that opt-in ...

On Sep 28, 2009, at 1:12 PM, john.mcl...@sybase.com wrote:

> I was trying to state something similar.  There are computers doing  
> useful
> work for projects and increasing the burden of time spent on  
> benchmarks
> will reduce the availability of those resources to the project.
> jm7
>             "Lynn W. Taylor"
>             <l...@buscom.net>
>             Sent  
> by:                                                   To
>             <boinc_dev-bounce         "Paul D. Buck"
>             s...@ssl.berkeley.ed         <p.d.b...@comcast.net>
> u>                                                         cc
>                                       john.mcl...@sybase.com, BOINC
>                                       Developers Mailing List
>             09/28/2009 03:58          <boinc_dev@ssl.berkeley.edu>
>             PM                                                     
> Subject
>                                       Re: [boinc_dev] [boinc_alpha]  
> Card
>                                       Gflops in BOINC 6.10
> Paul D. Buck wrote:
>> On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:13 AM, Lynn W. Taylor wrote:
>>> The benchmark affects the estimated run time, and the amount of work
>>> downloaded.  It affects credit, and credit is "fun" but it's not
>>> science.
>> Then you are also guilty of not reading the proposal.  I have always
>> said that while running calibration tasks that the same compensation
>> would be paid for a calibration task as for any other task.  In fact,
>> I said that it could qualify for a bonus to encourage participation  
>> in
>> the system.  In that we have resistance as you and John express
>> because you don't seem interested in any attempt to improve the
>> operation of the system as a whole.
> I'm not talking about awarding credit, bonus credits, better  
> assignment
> of work, or anything else along those lines.
> When you come back with "I've always said that while running  
> calibration
> tasks the same compensation...." it shows that you missed my question.
> I wasn't asking about credit.  You did the same thing in the other
> thread when I raised a separate issue about continuous downloads and  
> you
> told me that I had your issue wrong.
> BOINC is a black box.  A project dumps work units and a science
> application into the box, and results pour out.
> I'm asking only about the results.  Unless I'm badly mistaken, that  
> was
> John's question as well.
> We can all get excited about how BOINC does (or doesn't) work well,  
> but
> all the projects care about are results.
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