(copying my private replies to the list)

I was thinking of things like 

<!-- SVN VERSIONS --> 
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<!-- $Id: pm.inc 14019 2007-11-01 23:04:39Z davea $ --> 
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(from https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_index.php) 

We used to be able to see exactly which SVN patches had been applied by any 
given project, and advise accordingly. 

Would there be a way to keep the auto-generation of the date and author fields, 
even though the Git SHA isn't helpful in this situation? 

Projects also used to show a single SVN number on their server status pages, 
which gave a glimpse of the state of their operational server code.

On Wednesday, 29 March 2017, 9:32, David Anderson <da...@ssl.berkeley.edu> 

The server code was never versioned per se.
It has a change log that is not up to date:
-- David
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