On 22/07/17 10:19 , Steffen Möller wrote:
>> On 7/21/2017 1:26 AM, David Wallom wrote:
>>> the responsibility for functions to different community groups. As
>>> such it will be essential that we move to a multi branch development
>>> methodology in some form of public repository. I use this in a large
>>> number of my current international projects and it works well.
>> Interesting idea.  Do you know if Github has these sorts of features?
> I have seen that with the Rosetta code base - you have multiple
> groups/lead researchers  that offer stable "theme-master" branches from
> which others then branch off and then send pull requests to their lead.

Well, that's more or less the usual integration manager workflow.


The integration manager would be responsible for a single component or
subsystem only, though. That kind of goes into the direction of the
dictator/lieutenant model, just without the dictator.

Please note though that the canonical/"blessed" codebase typically
doesn't live in separate branches but in separate repos. In the end you
want a single blessed repo with an unambiguous branch structure for
people to pull from. Keep in mind that the various subsystems/components
need to be integrated/coherent at some point.

FYI, so far I've refrained from adding forks (multiple git remotes) to
the question of potential new workflows to avoid further confusion, to
take things one step at a time.


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