It is not clear to me, but it seems like the deadline was extended.  Dave Abrahams 
asked Thomas, and he wrote back a simple message.  It would have been nicer if there 
was a general announcement to that end, in my opinion.

In any case, I have MSVC 6.5, and based on the discussions it seems that this compiler 
is not supported.  Is this the case?

I have some experience with serialization.  I have myself tried to write a 
"serialization library" but it is not yet even at the point that I can post it here to 
get some preliminary feedback.  It does support multiple formats in an independent way 
of the classes, and I have written a yaml ( writer class for the 
system, mainly to have some text output format and also to show that complex 
serialization was possible.  I also have a reflection system that I intend to add.  
The point of this is that in my view, serialization is a much bigger issue than 
breaking the N*M problem.  Breaking the N*M problem is one issue.  Breaking up 
containers is another.  Proper serialization of integers between one system and 
another is yet another.  Reflection is yet another.  And pointer serialization is 
another.  Then some might want ready-made serializers for their pet format 
(text/yaml/xml/xdr/hdf5/etc).  And others would like versioning.  Lots of issues, 
which is in my o!
pinion the reason why a serialization system is so hard to create.  There are so many 
demands, that saying "serialization" does not fulfill these needs for everyone.  It 
fulfills the needs of some people, say 25%.  But any system that addresses one of 
these issues will only get 25% support.  A wiser approach would be to address each one 
of these separately, in a separate library.

In this case, this means taking out the entire pointer system into a separate class.  
This in my opinion is a necessary need anyway.  Just like an allocator is a separate 
class for an STL container, so too a pointer-system is a separate class for a 
serialization library.  This would allow using the same pointer-system object for both 
the reading and writing.  And it would enable users to use the functionality in other 
serialization systems that might be better fitted for their needs, such as an XML 
system.  Robert has spent a lot of time in verifying the pointer system, that I cannot 
say that I could criticize one approach or another that he took.  But right now, it is 
my understanding that this pointer serialization is interleaved with the main 
serialization system.  This prevents one from reusing the functionality for an XML I/O 
system, or even for both input and output.  (Please correct me if I'm wrong).  I think 
it would be much better if this "serialization system" was !
renamed "pointer serialization facility."  The main facility of the library would be 
the pointer class that contains the logic that is currently interleaved.  The rest of 
the code, which gives users ready-made code for some of the above-mentioned 
serialization needs, could be provided as an example code of how such a pointer 
facility is usable in real-code.  It thus provides the best of all worlds -- a library 
that is strong in what it claims to support, and example code to allow users 
serialization facilities without the need to rebuild the wheel, if it's not necessary. 
 (For XML and other needs, it might be necessary, but for some needs it won't be).

I think taking out the pointer facility into a separate class would be better design.  
By this I mean, that register_type<> and the logic for identifying and maintaining 
pointers would be in a separate class from the archive.  The archive would hold an 
instance of this class (given in the constructor), and use member functions of this 
container class to determine what to do when it encounters a new pointer/alias.  But 
it seems to me this is not the case yet (again, correct me if I'm wrong).  Until this 
is done, my vote is no.  If this was done and I could test the code on MSVC6.5, my 
vote would probably be yes.
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