At 02:46 PM 11/23/2002, Hugo Duncan wrote:

>On Sat, 23 Nov 2002 19:13:14 +0100, Boris Schäling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I read your library requirements.
>> I don't agree that a socket library should wrap rather than invent.
>Agreed that the C++ library should leverage the power of C++,
>but we could do this while remaining in some way familiar.

Yes, that was the intent.

I was the author of the original "wrap rather than invent" wording:

"Build on the widespread and mature network programming infrastructure which is already in place. Wrap rather than invent. The sockets interface is well known to many programmers, and numerous books, tutorials, and other materials are available. Build on this base, except in cases where it clearly runs counter to good C++ software engineering practice."

I'll change the offending sentence to "Reuse successful sockets and C++ idioms, rather than inventing new ones."


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