[2002-11-24] Thomas Wenisch wrote:

>Just as a note to those scanning files for copyright messages, I was once
>informed by lawyers at one of my former employers that the string "(C)"  
>(that is, a capital C in parenthesis) has no legal standing - only the
>word "copyright" or the copyright symbol (not available in ASCII) legally
>imply a claim of copyright.
>Whether this is correct or not, I would suggest that Boost err on the side
>of caution.  If we are going to scan files for copyright strings, we might
>as well require that they spell out the word "copyright".

Nice to know, but AFAIK "(C)" does have legal standing; but only if used in
addition to "Copyright". And yes the command as previously posted checked
for "copyright" only :-)

>On Sun, 24 Nov 2002, Beman Dawes wrote:
>> At 12:36 PM 11/19/2002, Rene Rivera wrote:
>>  >I think you did a limited search... only in the headers. There are many
>>  >more files without (C). For example most "Jamfile"s don't have one.
>>  >
>>  >Could you post how you did the search... perhaps this is something for
>>  >Beman
>>  >to add to the list of checks for releases.
>> Thanks, Rene.

You're welcome ;-)  -- Perhaps those of us who are handy with scripts could
help you automate some of the release procedures?

>> It's on my list to add to the scans.

Attached is an updated version of the command. Filters more types of files
out so it can be used in a CVS checkout tree, "dirtied" by compilation
residue. Also outputs the number of files.

Also attached is an updated list of files, currently at ~1579 :-(

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- 102708583@icq - Grafik666@AIM - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: check_copy.sh
Description: Binary data

Attachment: no-copy.out.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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